I have come down to the wire on this quilt, but I am beyond thrilled to report that it is finished at last. I was asked to make this quilt by a friend, whose only only child goes off to university this fall. With just under one week before the recipient of this quilt scoots off to university, I have finally completed the ogee quilt version 2.
To recap the details for this one, it finishes at 48" x 60", and I made it using a Kona cottons FQ bundle in the Hot Spice colourway, using Rebecca Johnston's pattern available here.
The batting is bamboo, my favourite, except for the way it leaves fuzzballs on the quilt after washing. This time I used a dog hair removal device to whisk those fuzzballs off quickly and effectively.
I used a King Tut variegated thread for the quilting.
For the label, I used one of those Printed Treasures sheets and my ink jet printer to create a little message for the girl from her mother. I also pieced in one of those Echino linen birds. I didn't think of it at the time, but that little bird is the one that has flown, leaving behind the empty nest.
And for the backing, I used a Kaffe Fasset print. I can't believe I forgot to get a photo of the back! But here is a shot of the label that shows the print around the edges. I used the same print for the binding.
The photos here were mostly taken in the sun, and the colours look really electrifying. They are a bit more sober, but still rich, when they are in regular or shaded lighting.
I'm so happy to be able to hand this quilt off to my friend so that she can know her daughter will be warm and cozy with a quilt in her residence room. I told her I would take no commission but a donation to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be gratefully accepted. She surprised me with a $50 gift certificate to my LQS - that is also gratefully accepted!
Events of the spring really slowed me down on the quiltalong - and I did not provide very good leadership as a result. But I made it in the end, and I do encourage all of you who have this quilt on your design boards to finish it up - you will be so happy you did - it is a stunning pattern and makes a glorious quilt!