Red Hots!

/ Tuesday, 29 December 2009 /

Red Hots, originally uploaded by Shadrach Meshach & Abednego.
At last! The Red and White Snowball Challenge is complete! This was a very fiddly quilt, but I'm very happy with the end result.  The dimensions are 58" x 72", made with 6" (finished) blocks.
Red Hots quilt
As you see, I opted for the non-point option, and I think that was the right decision.  I spent some time thinking about borders for the quilt, but in the end opted to go naked, as the book shows.  I had already bought the backing, and was nervous about not having enough to accommodate borders.
Back of Red Hots quilt
The binding is a pale yellow with small red flowers that I'm using as background for another quilt.  The back is Anna Maria Horner flannel.  I am a flannel addict now, after the Wine Gums quilt and now this one.  It's soooo soft and lovely, just perfect for a winter quilt.
Red Hots on the fence
And for this first time, I used a wool batting.  The directions say machine wash and lay flat to dry.  I haven't tried that yet, since I am waiting for a friend to deliver a box of Colour Catchers before I dare the wash with this red and white fabric.  But the wool was lovely to work with - it makes for a higher loft than the bamboo/cotton that I've been working with, and there's not the same drape, as a result.  I machine-sewed the binding (don't shoot me), but there were some places where it didn't catch properly on the back.  So as I sat with the quilt on my lap, whipping down those little spots, it seemed to me that it was noticeably warmer than the Wine Gums quilt, which had a similar flannel back but was batted with bamboo.  I'll keep updating with how I find the wool batting over time, since it seems that wool is less commonly used than cotton or bamboo these days.
Quilting on Red Hots
I can't say that I'm mad for the loop-the-loop quilting that I did, but I think it's okay.  I'm thinking about tying the quilt in the centre of those quarter-square triangles made when the blocks meet, but I'm not sure.  It may be a case of less is more.

I had to name this quilt Red Hots.  Do you remember these candies?  I'm not sure you can still get them, although you can definitely get cinnamon hearts around Valentine's Day.  I thought it was a perfect name for this warm and toasty quilt!
(Edited to add that I've linked this post to Amy's Sew-n-Tell Friday , now that we're all back in business for the new year!)


1 { Pokey } on: 29 December 2009 at 12:35 said...

Great finish and great name. I like the binding, and the backing, too.

And yes, you can get the red hots, I used them in October to make my applesauce with my second graders! I add 1/2 cup into the pot of 20 (or so) apples, for flavor and color! Yum!

2 { Melissa C } on: 29 December 2009 at 12:41 said...

Love your Red Hots quilt. I have five rows to add and mine will be finished. I am still at the do I want borders or do I not stage. I like it without, but think I want it a little bigger.

3 { Dee } on: 29 December 2009 at 13:16 said...

I remember eating those with peanuts and candy corn at my grandparents' home!

Love the quilt, but am in favor of not tying. You've done such a great job and the end result is beautiful!

Happy New Year!

4 { wishes, true and kind } on: 29 December 2009 at 13:28 said...

Fabulous quilt and beautiful photographs!

5 { Suzanna } on: 29 December 2009 at 14:37 said...

I thought red hots were hot dogs. I'm sure we ate Michigan Red Hots (in Montreal of all places!) when I was a kid.
The quilt is lovely. Red and white is such a wonderful combination. I understand why you'd want to anchor the centre of your 1/4-square triangles. Please tell us of your experience once you're done. For me, getting the ties to be centred and even across the quilt is more challenging than it looks.

6 { Lara } on: 29 December 2009 at 15:59 said...

Wowser. Looks fabulous!

7 { Jocelyn } on: 29 December 2009 at 17:50 said...

Oh Lesly it is beautiful! I love how you showcased it with the snow in the background! Great quilt :-)

8 { SueWis } on: 29 December 2009 at 18:36 said...

Beautiful! and flannel backing, so nice and warm. :)

9 { Becky Gonce } on: 30 December 2009 at 00:54 said...

That is Beautiful! Love the 2 color scheme...I tend to go overboard!

10 { Mary @ Neat and Tidy } on: 30 December 2009 at 07:23 said...

Beautiful! My cousin is part of this challenge. After seeing yours, I wish I had participated as well!

11 { The Calico Cat } on: 30 December 2009 at 08:30 said...

You miles may vary & all of that... But while I love the warmth of my quilt with a wool batt, I am least satisfied with that as a batting choice (Not sure the brand - maybe some are better than others) It did not hold up to washing as my others have & it is bearding... So now that quilt is up on the wall over my bed...

Still like this quilt - very graphic!

12 { Nicole } on: 30 December 2009 at 10:49 said...

Good for you Lesly! I love your quilt! Plus, the name you chose is dead on perfect. Red Hots---I may have to adopt that myself!
You are a brave woman to tackle the quilting yourself. What a beautiful job you did.
Don't those scrappy lights give the quilt a wonderful dimension? So lovely.

13 { Claudia } on: 30 December 2009 at 11:47 said...

Great quilt, Lesly! I love all the different shades of red and cream you used and your piecing is very precise. I was afraid to use contrasting fabrics in my snowballs because I knew how hard it would be to match up all of those points! Love the backing fabric too.

I'd love to work with wool batting but don't have a local source.

14 { Sharon } on: 30 December 2009 at 13:11 said...

Your Red Hots is wonderful. I would suggest the tying if you did not quilt this area. When you wash the wool, if the water is too hot or if it agitates too much, your wool batting may "felt up" in these areas. I love using wool when I hand quilt or longarm, but a customer of mine did her own quilting on a small piece and didn't quilt it close enough and she had this mishap. jhmo ;-)

15 { Thelma } on: 30 December 2009 at 13:19 said...

Congratulations, I love "Red Hots" I think you are the first one to piece and quilt this top for the challenge! Maybe a prize will be coming your way!

I imagine this will motivate the rest of the group, who wouldn't want that lovely red and cream quilt?

Christine Thomas on: 30 December 2009 at 15:00 said...

So pretty...I'm probably going to just use warm-n-natural for batting. I like the name you picked out. I hadn't thought of a name thus, it's called Red & White Snowball Challenge. :)

17 { Mary on Lake Pulaski } on: 30 December 2009 at 16:52 said...

It is just beautiful!! That last photo with the sunshine highlighting the quilting - WOW!

18 { Debra @ Life is a Stitch } on: 31 December 2009 at 00:28 said...

Way to go on getting this finished and in under the wire of 2009!
It looks great and, of course, I'm just a little jealous 'cause I'm just now working on mine. I still have family in town and another Christmas gathering at my house on New Year's day (yeah, we like to milk it and keep the holiday as long as possible!) So anyway, congrats on the finish, it looks wonderful. And please keep us updated on the wool batt.
Happy New Year!

19 { Rose Marie } on: 31 December 2009 at 11:41 said...

How wonderful this quilt is! I'm still working on my blocks and here you are already finished!!!
I, too, would like to know more about the wool batting, so please keep us tuned.

Christi on: 3 January 2010 at 10:57 said...

Just gorgeous! I love the quilting on it as well as the backing. Beautiful!

21 { Leslie } on: 8 January 2010 at 14:18 said...

i love hots is such a great name for it

22 { Karen } on: 8 January 2010 at 17:29 said...

Great quilt! I ahve a red and white quilt that I am trying to get the courage to wash. I pre-washed my fabrics but I just KNOW that one will run. I use wool batting in quilts I use for winter. Wool is a lovely natural fibre perfect for keeping you warm. I would love to put flannel on the back but worry about the stretching seeing as it is generally a slightly looser weave. I guess it would be better to pre-wash the flannel before using it.

23 { carol } on: 8 January 2010 at 18:02 said...

Love red and white. I'm surprised you didn't wash the fabric first. I always wash my reds with vinegar, because of the well water here can make even old reds bleed. I will watch for a post about how the wool batting goes. I am allergic to bamboo. I have only been using cotton, since I found out about my allergy. I wondered about using old wool blankets that are faded as batting. I have a few plus I live within 10 miles of a Woolen Mill.
Carol from Bemidji MN

24 { ktquilts } on: 8 January 2010 at 18:16 said...

Great quilt, I am doing the "Finished Quilt Dance" just for you!!

25 { Leslie - she sews and scraps } on: 8 January 2010 at 18:21 said...

This is GORGEOUS! just stunning! I love your name for it too :) and yes you can still buy red hots, I LOVE them!

26 { Sara } on: 8 January 2010 at 19:13 said...

That is a downright beautiful quilt! And I love the name!!!

27 { Carla } on: 9 January 2010 at 08:05 said...

Wow that is so pretty! Love the name :oD

28 { QuiltyBee } on: 9 January 2010 at 18:19 said...

Love this quilt--I'm just starting to play with snowballs--great inspiration!

29 { Heather } on: 11 January 2010 at 15:09 said...

Just gorgeous... I love it! Looks so warm and cozy, too. Great photos! ;o)

30 { Rene' } on: 11 January 2010 at 22:27 said...

Wow Lesly, this turned out beautifully! I really like those snowballs! I love that you named it Red Hots. That is so appropriate. I do remember those candies. I used to love them. Thanks for sharing your great pictures.

31 { Allyson } on: 20 January 2010 at 10:29 said...

Red Hot is right! That quilt is smokin! Absolutely gorgeous. I really love how the bright backer adds such a fun pop to the quilt. Your pictures of the quilt are beautiful too. Very nicely done. I can't wait to send mine out and get it quilted. It'll be the first quilt in quite a while that I haven't quilted myself. But Ive never done pantographs and I don't want to practice on my snowballs.

32 { Quilter Kathy } on: 5 February 2010 at 19:28 said...

Love it! And you finished it so quickly!

33 { Stephanie Hughes } on: 6 June 2010 at 16:45 said...

Love your snowballs! I am working on mine snowball quilt now. I started it in Paducah with Kaffe but haven't done much since returning. Can't wait to finish it. Stephanie

34 { Taryn } on: 5 March 2011 at 22:32 said...

I just love the way snowball quilts look when finished. Your photos are just great!

35 { Appalachian Mercantile } on: 7 March 2011 at 08:00 said...

Gorgeous quilt!


36 { KarenQuilt } on: 9 March 2011 at 02:12 said...

Love the Red Hots name for your quilt! So appreciaite what Taryn has done to enable all of us to share our Red and White quilts in one gallery! Wonderful idea! I've shared her link with all my friends and hope a lot more people post red and white quilts! She inspired me to post my red and white doll quilts.

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