Is it not just the bees knees? She calls it Starry Snowballs - how appropriate! Can you see the meticulous quilting in the yellow snowballs (click through to Flickr to see it closer). And the back is just as stunning as the front!
But yes, I have been away from my blog for awhile. My absence has been due to a trip across the border. With my lab manager and soon-to-be-doctoral student, Lindsay, I went to a workshop at Harvard last week. We drove down to Boston after spending the night chez my mother in law in Montreal. We were able to take a little stroll downtown before dinner and picked up some delicious macarons for dessert. Wow - move over, cupcakes, this is one food trend I can sign up for in a hurry!
On the way to Boston, we stopped in Burlington, VT. There may have been a quilt store there. And a shoe store. Money may have exchanged hands. Ahem. Moving on.... Driving in Boston is not for the faint of heart. We got lost many times. But at last we arrived at our destination. You can imagine I felt smarter just being on the Harvard campus! After a couple of days of hobnobbing with my fellow wizards, Lindsay and I took my colleague, the lately-married Clare, and her doctoral student, Luisa, to spend a couple of days at the beach in Ogunquit, Maine, before heading home again.
The weather wasn't so great at first. The fog was so thick you could barely see the breakers.
The season had barely begun, so there were no crowds. We did have some glorious weather just as we were leaving, with a spectacular sunset.
We walked to Perkins Cove and along the Marginal Way.
What a beautiful part of the world!
It was hard to return to work, but wonderful to come home to family. I managed to catch up on some outstanding bee sewing, making a lovely tulip block for Norma and four scrappy Arkansas Crossroads blocks for Greta.
Today being Father's Day, we went to Prince Edward County for a bit of lunch and a drive around. Eve drove, since we opted not to take the 401. She was excited to get a good chunk of driving practice, since it's about 65km along Hwy 33.
We went with a young couple who met in my lab as students, but have since moved to Toronto together. They were visiting Kingston for the weekend, and it's always so nice to see them.
I don't normally like pictures of myself, but I like this one well enough to share.
We walked around Picton for a bit and ate some gelato. My little girl is getting big, but she still loves her Daddy.
We finished up the day by driving across the County to Fifth Town Artisan Cheese Factory, the smallest, tiniest shop off a gravel road in the middle of miles of farmland. And who should we run into but my friend Mary, to whom I gave the Sunny Side of the Street quilt. Small world.
Glad to see you back! Funny, when you said "crossed the border" I thought Mexico! Isn't it odd how location changes everything! Nice blocks, by the way.... love those tulips!
Ah, a new post in Pickle Dish. You made my day, Lesly! (Disclaimer: in no way is this comment meant to reflect on the rest of my day.)
Good food, good fun, and some creativity! What a great swap quilt!
1. main looks gorgeous.
2. eve looks gorgeous!
3. you look gorgeous! that's exactly how i've always imagined you!
Welcome Back Lesly!!
LOVE that tulip block, LOVE IT!! Enough I would want a whole quilt made up of them!!
You struck gold on your mini quilt swap, wonderful colors, design and quilting, Lucky You!
sounds like you had a nice get away, even though it did involve some work. hey I lived in Picton, when I was 1-3yrs old. my sister went to kindergarten there. I have only been back once when we went by boat up the canal system. I too love that tulip block as i have a soft spot for tulips.
I can't even tell you what a balm this was for my soul! Such incredible quilt shots and the blocks are beautiful. THe traveling pictures are just out of this world gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing your time away with us and the eye candy for a sore soul!
Bless you!
Thanks again, Lesly - I'm so happy that you like the quilt.
How lovely to see some different country. Thanks. What a very nice tulip block.
Hi, Lesly, welcome back! Looks like a great trip and your daughter is a beautiful girl.
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