Huzzah! I sent my report off for the first round of feedback, which meant I got to do some sewing on the weekend! I am happy report that I have completed half the curved pieces for my ogee quilt. I like to sew all the curved pieces first, and then do all the straight seams. I keep the pieces for each row segregated in sandwich bags so that I can keep everything straight. This must be a relic from my childhood when I would eat all my peas first, then all my potatoes, before I would eat the chicken.
But I also made this little zipper pouch out of one of the practice blocks I made when I was warming up for the orgy of curved seams required for this quilt. Ain't it cute? The clothespin shows the scale. I like to use the linen for these pouches, especially the larger ones, because it provides a bit more support.
Must run and charge my camera. Tonight is my daughter's high school formal - lots of photos to be taken! Here's one I managed to get this morning, while checking the settings:
pretty girl!
you're at the same place I am in my quilt. Now I don't feel so far behind, haha!
Beautiful pic of Eve!
Lovely young woman. I sense a beautiful spirit!
I'm so glad you got a chance to sew! Your little zipper pouch is adorable, and your daughter is stunning!!
What a gorgeous photo of your daughter! Enjoy the remaining high school festivities! So glad you are "back in the saddle again"....great pouch ;-)
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