I know I'm not alone in having a backlog of unquilted flimsies and projects at various stages of undoneness. I have a million ideas for new projects, but I am feeling quite guilty about those languishing in the closet. And to be truthful, only one is in the closet - the others are down in the basement. Pitiful. I'm feeling like I would like to honour all the work I invested in these by finishing them up, even if the bloom is a bit off the vine. If past history is a guide, I will fall in love with them all over again once they are quilted and washed. Anyway, I need some advice - which one should I finish up first? Have a look at these, in order of oldest to most recent:
Paprika. This has been sitting around for about 18 months - a scandal.
Unnamed kaleido. I shouldn't really even put this one up because I'm going to end it out for some longarm love - but I haven't even gotten around to buying the backing.
Naked Bed quilt. I rushed to finish up this top for the Naked Bed challenge, but haven't done anything with it yet. There's lots of Greenfield Hill on sale around now - I need to buy some yardage for the back and get it quilted up.
And what about these giant Wheels - each block finishes at 30" square and there are six of them.
Must finish this Trip Around the World up because I'm visiting the recipient of this gift quilt near the end of November. But I'm not sure I want to make it top of my list.
Probably going to go with the piano key border on this Spiderweb.
Please opine and help me sort out an order of operations for these!
I'd finish the Paprika first and then unnamed kaleido since they look more autumn-y. I love the one you are piecing.
Wow - you are so near to some incredible finishes here!
yes, let's get'er done, as they say. I'd tackle the trip around the world first; an easy straight line starter project and a looming deadline. I'd be thinking if straight lines would work for Paprika while I was tripping and quilting. lol If no ideas, then I'd make piano keys still thinking of Paprika. If I was still stymied I'd tackle the Naked Bed. Looks like a fun top to MQ. A little R&R for the fabric backing search and then no more naked bed! If you multitasked you'd have 2 backings and a quilt at the longarmers. The reward for tackling the Paprika quilt would be to play with those big girls again. Phew, I'm too tired to get my own stuff done! LOL
Put that piano key border on the Spider Web! I can't wait to see it finished!
I'd start with Paprika and then the Naked Bed quilt. Love the one you're working on too.
Yes, I would go with Paprika, too. You have some great choices there, but this one is so autumny. I love it!
I feel the same! I begin with paprika. I really like the colors
I think my favorites would be the Naked Bed and the Spider.. but the Paprika should probably go first...
you know paprika is my favorite. however, i recommend finishing the naked bed quilt first because greenfield hill is on sale, so you can buy the backing and binding that you want.
Some of my favourite quilt tops are these ones you have posted. I love the unnamed kaleido so much, and the naked bed one also calls to me. The giant dresdens will make you smile when they are done, mine sure did and the trip around the world is wonderful. The last ones, paprika and spiderweb are also lovely. The order I mentioned them is how I would quilt them but since they are all so nice, any order would be good.
I'm not used to the new page, when I saw my first impression of his work was the one who stole the photos to Lesly, jajaj
They are all wonderful ... start with the easiest one to finish ... maybe Paprika. I'd love to quilt the unnamed quilt, seems a shame to send it out.
Paprika! You know I'm dying to see that one finished!!!
First, wow! You have so many beautiful projects to work on! Get the backing and get the kaleidoscope off to the quilter - done. Paprika is gorgeous, as is the naked bed quilt, and it looks like they just need to be quilted. Pick one and get 'er done. Use the piano key border for the spiderweb as a leader/ender project while you're working on piecing more blocks from that first picture (intriguing blocks - I like how the secondary block uses some of the elements of the main block). You'll have the piano keys sewn in no time, and can get the borders on the quilt.
beautiful quilts! I would do paprika first; it's the perfect fall quilt.
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