I am thrilled to be the one to kick off the blog tour for Jessica Alexandrakis' s book
Quilting On the Go, published by Potter Craft in North America and Search Press elsewhere.
This blog tour runs until June 21 at the blogs listed below. There are two chances to win a copy of this great book. Leave a comment on this post until June 15, with the winner announced on June 16, or visit Lucy at
Charm About You from June 17-21.
Jessica blogs at
Life Under Quilts, and she is responsible for getting me hooked on English Paper Piecing. In 2010 I was looking for some kind of portable hand project to take with me on a trip to the US and Jess suggested I try EPP. I had never been such a big fan of the hexagons, but I did like the 60-degree diamonds. I was surprised at how quickly these little scraps of fabric and paper or plastic added up and transformed into something amazing! There are a couple of small photos of my first EPP project in Jess's book, and I blogged about it in
this post, but here's another photo of it:

The book is filled with many time-saving tips and great ideas for organizing fabric and supplies for travel. I learned so much from watching the video that Jess made, one handed (holding her baby with the other), a long time ago, and all those helpful suggestions are in the book. I used the plastic Quilt Patis templates for my diamond EPP projects, but another great option is the precut paper templates from
Paper Pieces. If you want to try these, it's a good time to do so, because they are offering 20% off your entire shopping cart, no minimum purchase, with the code UNDER20, during the blog tour.
Jess asked me to show some photos of other EPP projects I've been working on, and it's good timing to show the finished quilt top of this rose star project that I started about a year and a half ago. I jumped on the
bandwagon that Clare at
Selfsewn was leading at the time, and I loved making every single block.
I'm not generally a fussy cutter, but this time I did fussy cut all the centre hexagons. This one with the Lizzie House fox is my very favourite.
I just have to decide how to deal with the edges of this quilt. I could make a few half stars to even out the edges - it will either be that or applique the edges onto a wider border.
I wasn't entirely sure about that Ghastlies fabric as a background at first, but I do think it is a good choice - it has a bit of action, but not so much that it competes with the stars.
I can't recommend EPP highly enough if you are casting about for a portable project to take with you. I can't do any kind of sewing in the car because I get queasy, but I have certainly taken these projects with me on many a train or plane trip. I'm a very nervous flyer, and hand stitching keeps me calm on the plane. When I travel for work, I like to have an EPP project to do at night while I sit in my hotel room before bed. So I really find that having an on-the-go EPP project is a must, and even at home, most every night I have something in my hands while we watch television. Here is a photo of my most recent plane trip in May:

I've got the fabric cut diamonds for the whole project in the larger zip bag, and basted diamonds in the smaller bag. I have a larger pair of scissors in my checked bag, but these tiny Gingher snips meet TSA specs, although I have often had my carry-on gear inspected once they see them in the x-ray. I once posted about how I hated that Clover desktop threader, but I realized that I was using the wrong needles. If you use round eye needles, it works a treat, and I couldn't live without it. It's a bit bulky for traveling, but I do love it that much now.
Here's how that project looks now. It's only going to be a little mini - I wanted to try working with those Oakshott cottons. The depth and play of the colours don't show up so well in these photos - they are amazing to work with and to see in person.
Just one warning about flying with EPP: be careful during turbulence. As I mentioned, I don't like flying, but I do find that hand stitching gives me something besides crashing to think about and calms me down. One time we hit a patch of turbulence and as I was drawing the thread through, I poked myself in the cheek with the needle! So use caution!
(Hmmm, it looks like I have been thoroughly over-served in this photo, but it was only the sunlight in my eyes.)
Quilting On the Go can be purchased at these outlets:
Congratulations, Jess, on producing a great book, and thanks for allowing me to be part of it! To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment below telling me about your experience with EPP. The comment thread will be closed the evening of June 15, and I will select the winner on June 16. If you don't win, be sure to go visit
Lucy June 17-21 for another chance! Edited to add: if you can't find the comment box, you may not be at the permalinked page for this post. Go
here, and it should be there for you. June 16 update: The giveaway is now closed and the winner will be announced shortly - good luck, everyone!