19th Century Reds

/ Thursday, 11 February 2010 /
This has been such a busy term at the university! I am teaching both preservice teachers and graduate students this winter, and it's seriously cutting into my quilting time! Fortunately, the preservice students are finishing up this week and then going on a two month practicum. I could say that I will miss them, but that wouldn't be strictly true. My research lab is located right behind the music classroom and the suite of practice rooms, and this has been a source of great hardship for us lately. Not only are we an enforced audience when section after section of B.Ed. students learn to bang on garbage can drums and play recorders, we are also serenaded by various singers and trumpet-players who are under the mistaken impression that the practice rooms are soundproof. We live for summer, when it's blissfully quiet, although that's the time we get the piano tuner in, and it takes him all day of plunking key after key to get the several pianos ready for the new school year. Imagine the aural equivalent of Chinese water torture. But I digress.

Alas, little quilting has been accomplished over the last few days. However, I did receive most of the 19th Century Reds (see photo above) that I ordered to make this quilt . Fabulous cottons - really nice texture and weave, and ever so luscious. They're now washed and ironed, and ready to be cut up! AND, I finally settled on what I will send out for my month in the Modern Tradition quilting bee. But I'm waiting on something to arrive in the mail before I tell you. Stay tuned. (I hope that sounds mysterious! Ooooh, spooky....)


1 { Pokey } on: 11 February 2010 at 09:09 said...

Beautiful stack, inspiring!!

2 { wishes, true and kind } on: 11 February 2010 at 09:29 said...

Yes, you are very mysterious, Lesly. I'm really paying attention to quilt bee blocks this year now that I'm participating in a couple. What to choose, what to choose....

3 { Lindsay } on: 11 February 2010 at 09:31 said...

You can make this quilt for me, if you want. I'll help you out and take it off your hands. So pretty!!

Speaking of, where's the lab quilt?!

4 { Dee } on: 11 February 2010 at 10:23 said...

remembering fondly my children learning to play recorders, keyboard and trombones! eeks!

love the fabric and yes, I'm scared and intriqued.

sort of like a Brontesque feeling you've given me.

5 { Cheryl Arkison } on: 11 February 2010 at 11:18 said...

And I'm waiting on an order of indigos from the same place!

6 { Allyson } on: 11 February 2010 at 14:14 said...

I have been drooling over those reds for weeks now. I want them so badly. Hmmm....

7 { Unknown } on: 11 February 2010 at 18:09 said...

So what do you use for batting these days?

8 { Lesly } on: 11 February 2010 at 18:18 said...

J, I don't know if you'll see this response to your question - your profile is set to "no response" so I can't email you. Mainly I use bamboo/cotton, but I have recently made a quilt with wool batting and it is AMAZING. The only downside is it can't go in the dryer, but the washer is fine.

9 { Thelma } on: 12 February 2010 at 09:29 said...

They sure look pretty, all stacked and ready to go....I can hardly wait to see your blocks, I just don't know what's going on at my house, it's like those pretty fabrics have two personalities, pretty when stacked, messy when pieced!

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