The quilt is machine quilted with King Tut thread, variegated in pinks. It's the first time I've done any free-motion quilting with my new (to me) Pfaff. I'm more or less pleased, although there are some wonky bits. As usual, my corners are a disaster (no photos of those).
I've discovered that if I set my laptop on my notions box, I can see the screen perfectly over the top of my machine. So I have been a steady customer at the local independent video store while finishing this quilt. I find that old movies are best, especially musicals! One of my rentals was Valley of the Dolls, which I had never seen. Quite a racy movie in its day, although it seems quite tame today. The DVD box and the opening credit sequence was full of bright pinks and oranges, very similar to the fabric I was working with. And so it seemed like the perfect name for this quilt: Valley of the Dolls.
I wasn't sure about this quilt initially, and I made seat-of-the-pants decisions as I went. For example, the original KF strips were 6" wide, so I planned 6 x 2 1/2" coins and 2 1/2" sashing. I sewed all the dark and light pairs and then decided that the coins were too much longer than they were wide. Does that make sense? They were more like lozenges than the effect I wanted. The strips at the top and bottom were the original size of the coins, so you can see what I mean. So I lopped off an inch and a half from all the pairs and was much happier with the size. I have real problems throwing out scraps, so I kept those lopped-off nubbins. When I was ready to do some kind of pieced detail for the backing, there they were! So as I got further into it, it began to grow on me. And now I think it's so glam and so fab, I hate to part with it. If I have to pick a fault, it's a touch too small. At 48" x 60", it's more of a lap quilt than a nap quilt.
Plus, I wasn't as careful as I could be about block placement - there are coins with identical fabrics too close to others in places. And the mitred corners of the binding. Oy. Those are my downfall.
And there's a small spot in the middle of the quilt that seems not to have gotten quilted. How did that happen? But on the other hand, it's quilted with bamboo batting and has a delicious drape.
It's for my mother-in-law, a lovely with-it woman who loves colour as much as I do.
P.S. For those who observe, Shana Tova!
Congratulations on your new blog! Your quilt is favorite colors!!
Great quilt with lovely fabrics! Is the fabric you used for the two outer parts of the back by Kaffe Fassett as well? I just love it...
I love it. Is the background colour white or light pink?
Oh, thanks, y'all. The background is a very pale pink with a large scale bamboo print (white). I initially wanted white, but was afraid the contrast would be too stark. I'm not sure about the provenance of the fabric on the back - I'll have a look at the LQS this week.
What a great quilt!! The coins are just the right size :)
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