This is a shameful photograph. It displays my bee blocks in arrears. But this weekend was a sewing weekend for me, and I managed to catch up almost entirely on those blocks.
For the Incredible Shrinking Bee, I finished Claudia's Ohio Star,
and Madeline's Dove in the Window.
For the Maple Leaf Bee, Austen gave us quilter's choice and some Hope Valley fabric. Her fabric was strips about 4 3/4" x 20" wide, so it made it surprisingly difficult to find a 12" block that could be accommodated; you couldn't use a 6" patch or even make a 4.5" HST. But I found this Jacob's Ladder block that fit the bill, even though I had to supplement with extra white fabric.
I also made Ariane's Dresden Plate.
It was the first time I'd made one of these. I used the zigzag stitch on my machine to sew down the centre circle, but I wasn't 100% happy with the way it looked. So I took a chance and used the blanket stitch setting on my machine to sew down the petals, with much better success.
And for the Modern Tradition Bee, I made these two churn dash blocks, from a dark grey and Hope Valley. I like this colour combination a lot - and from the blocks the others have made, I think this is going to be a knockout quilt.
I'm very nearly up to date, although not entirely. But I did feel like I had earned the right to sew for myself a bit the next day. On Sunday, I finished all the pinwheel blocks that are the foundations for the kaleidoscope blocks on my current project. I'll show a photo taken previously, since it's been so long since I've posted about this project - you may have forgotten all about it!
Oh Lesly, what beautiful blocks! And how awesome to have that much time to sew! I love them all!
you were productive!! I love that last quilt you're working on!
Doesn't it feel great to get caught up, Congratulations, you worked hard, put your efforts are stunning.
Love that mix of French General in those pinwheels, that's going to be a stunner!
Yikes, you were busy! What a great pile of blocks!!!
Wow. I love all your blocks they are beautiful. :)
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