Sew Mama Sew giveaway loot, originally uploaded by Shadrach Meshach & Abednego.
Today is Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day! Here is the swag I'm offering up. These four fat quarters of assorted quilting fabric! Here are a couple of closer views of the fabric:
I would also like to remind you that I have just started a Flickr group for swapping quilty goodness like patterns, rulers, tools, fabric, etc. If you have things that are duplicates or that you aren't using anymore that you'd like to swap, come over to the Quilters' Exchange group and add your goods to the pool!
Now, for this giveaway, please leave a comment below, telling me what your dream job would be. Mine is professional napper - I am an excellent napper, and if I could get paid for taking naps, I would be a millionaire: that's how good a napper I am. So let's hear from you. Comments are open until December 17, and it will be the standard random draw.

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Lovely giveaway items, Lesly -- thank you!
My dream job? Since you've already claimed Professional Napper, I'd have to say Philanthropist. I'd be rich, and I'd be able to do good stuff with my money. And quilt on the side, I guess.
hmmm my dream job wow thats a hard question!
would love to be surrounded with all the antique quilts at the International Quilt Study Center & Museum in Nebraska and be able to study them, would love to be a kindergarten teacher love kids especially that age!, but think I have been lucky to have a dream job...a mom.
My dream job would be to have my own craft shop! At the moment I am in the tea export business!!!
Thank you for sharing.
I will try my luck :) Thanks for th giveaway!
Oh, my dream job... For sure working with animals. And if it woulf be animal keeper in the zoo, or in the animal shelter, or vet, or whoever else works with animals... that would be it :)
I also have a giveaway on my blog if you like to visit :)
Best regards
kirie83 (at) yahoo . de
Vice President of Chocolate at Hersheys!
I'm participating in the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! I hope you have time to stop over and enter my giveaway at
Merry Christmas!
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
Lovely fabrics!
My dream job is to be a Young Adult author, which is lucky because that's my job! Hurrah!
Hi, Lesly! Beautiful swag!!
My dream job would probably be what I get to do every day - take care of my beautiful granddaughter and quilt!! I would love to be able to expand that a little to add teaching quilting on a regular (i.e. daily) basis to folks.... The only difference is that it would be fun to get paid to do it!!
My dream job would be a quilt a real one. Well something quilty.
My dream job would actually be a lactation consultant. Pretty far off from my real-life job of an engineer...
Dream job...rock babies all morning and sew all afternoon. Think anyone would pay me to do that?
Love the fabric!
Food taster, would be my choice! I'd get fed, there'd be no cooking involved, and the dishes would be someone else's problem. Sounds like heaven... sigh...
Okay, I think I already have my dream job (I teach Kindergarten) but the comment about rocking babies and sewing sounds good, too.
Dream job? Domestic Oceanic Observatory Attendant.
What is that you ask?
Why someone who gets to spend all their time viewing and enjoying all of the lovely ocean views and sounds!
My dream job would be to be a stay home mom with my son (and hopefully future children). Someday. /sigh
First off, love the fabric. Dream job, I never thought of a professional napper, oh my, that would be wonderful. However, since my children would probably wake me, I would have to say my dream job would be being able to sew and quilt every day.
super fun fabric prizes!
my dream job would be what i'm doing now-on a bigger level :)
I would like to be the person that names the colors for paint chips and fabric swatches!!
Great giveaway!
I'm doing my dream job - being a mum!! I'm just not getting paid!
My dream job would be to be a professional novel reader. I enjoy reading anytime, anywhere.
I do my dream job but I've specualted about working in a quilt store. But then math is a problem; the yardage calculating and then there would be my overdraft!
What beautiful fabrics!
My dream job would be... to have my own research insitute with a lot of fundings to go along even with new, risky or strange ideas...
I am already a scientist but one grows weary of the old men ruled system... bah...
But I love science... Just so many ideas, so much curiosity to fulfill!
And... in my free time... I would love to be a designer ^^
What a fun giveaway! I would LOVE to be an author. I love to write and would love to be able to use that ability to provide for my family.
Thanks for sharing!
My dream job would be to paint my own work or curate at an art museum. Thanks!
haha, professional napper is a good one, but i think i'd love to be a buyer for a clothing store, a baker, and quilt shop owner! thanks so much for the giveaway!!
Love your question! I would be a toy maker, just like Santa's elves!
My dream job would be a fabric store!! Thank you for doing a great giveaway!! Happy holidays to you and yours. xox
deam job? hag my own quilt fabric shop!
I would be a professional traveler. I love seeing new places!
Translator. Or sewer. Or designer. I have many wishes. :-)
Thanks for the great giveaway... these are beautiful fabrics!
ooh, since we're talking about serious "dream" jobs, I'm going to go with Professional Delicious Food Eater. I'm a very successful Amatuer Delicous Food Eater, so I'm pretty sure I could go pro with no problem. Of course, since it's a dream, I wouldn't gain any weight from this job either :)
I would be the best personal shopper ever!!
I'm hosting a giveaway too, so pop on over if you have some time...
I'd like to read books for a living. It would take away the guilt I feel laying in bed with a book.
My dream job--to be a travel writer / food critic!
My dream job would be hair dye color namer. Not just the boring blondes, but the greens and blues and silvers, lol!
My dream job would be to create all that I wanted without feeling the need to market it in any way :)
well, in a dream world i would be lighthouse watcher, up high over the sea with lots of free time (to read, to sew, to think).
Thanks for the giveaway chance. My dream job is actually nursing. I really want to go back to school for it. Love quilting, but like it more on the side.
My dream job would be to own my own crafty shop!
We are from Kingston too- nice to stumble across other local blogs!
gorgeous fabric.
My dream job would be to own and run a bunny rescue - I'd be in charge of cuddling the bunnies!
I'd like to professionally pet corgis for a living. I love corgi doggies and they love petting so I'm sure they'd find a way to pay someone to pet them full-time. I have three and I'm surprised they haven't hired one yet.
I'd like to be a novelist. Of course, I'd have to do research in some warm climate like Tahiti for say, 7 years, but my book would be wonderful. No, really, it would. oh please let me go to Tahiti! It's freezing here!
Fine! Can I least get a hot chocolate?!
I have my dream job! I am a stay at home mom and a wife to a husband who puts up with my craftaholic tenancies! :)
My dream job would be to own a quaint little quilt shop with some sweet, funny, quirky employees. I'm picturing the book shop in "You've Got Mail" .... but a quilt shop instead. Fun!!
Teehee! I am also an excellent napper, especially when I am pregnant &/or have a napping toddler. ;)
My dream job is to be a writing professor of utterly charming, dedicated, and creative students. (I taught writing to fabulous and real students in my former life, but can dream about this unreal variety, too!)
Thanks for the giveaway! These fabrics look PRETTY.
I would like to be a Librarian or stay at home and craft all day.
I might would be a good partner for you there. I would also be an awesome nibbler. I can nibble all day long so I would do well with overtime :)
My dream job would be full time crafter, with an endless amount supply of fabric!
My dream job would be a quilt piecer.
This year I began my dream job. Stay at home mom :)
dream job would be a stay at home mommy/quilter- and maybe my own store
My dream job would be to be a writer. I'm lucky because I am one!
My dream job would be a stewardess. I'd love to travel all the time on planes.
My dream job would be to be a professional singer. Country, show tunes, (not opera, because I'm not that good), gospel/bluesy songs. And of course, I would love to quilt all day every day and get paid boatloads of money for it. Lovely fabrics, thanks.
Dream job- mom without the household chores and such. I'd love to just play with and teach my daughter. Second dream job- ballerina.
Beautiful fabrics. My dream job would to be a quilt designer - which I hope to accomplish next year. Thanks for the great giveaway
It would have to involve taste-testing. Taste-testing pizza. And ice cream. And cookies.
I would just love to be a stay-at-home mom. That's been my dream job since I was 5.
Beautiful fabrics!
My dream job is namer of lipstick colors. Seriously, how do you get that job?
I'd love to be a baker! Or a napper- I like that idea! Thanks for the giveaway!
Well, I'm pretty sure I've got one of my dream jobs... third grade teacher!
But if I could invent a new job, I think I'd be a professional cat cuddler/kitten amuser. I'm pretty good at that. :)
Does it count as a dream "job" if I want to be independently wealthy, so that I can spend my time amassing degrees, travelling, eating well, and trying new things without worrying about a job of any kind? Explorer Of The World, maybe?
My dream job woudl be a stay-at-home mom. If only I could make a profit doing it...
LOL A professional napper!!!
I think my dream job would be a long arm quilter...or a Nurse practitioner or Midwife.
Great fabrics!
If I could be anything I would be a professional quilter! No joke. I just started over the summer, so I suppose anything is possible...
ambersewwonky at yahoo dot com
I would love to be a Professional Eater of Fine Foods!
What lovely fabrics - thanks for the giveaway. My dream job would involve baking cakes, knitting, playing music, sailing & skiing. All in one day!!
I want to work at the Dogfish Head brewery!
my dream job would be and has been for some years now the curator of Louvre in Paris. cheers!
I like your dream job! It's so brilliant that I can't come with one of my own.
Ooh, I like Felicity's idea of being a philanthropist.
But, my dream career is to be a fabric designer.
My dream "job" is to be a mom... and I am :D
Happy Holidays!
Dream job would be professional food taster :)
Thanks for the giveaway - great fabric choices!
Hmm... My dream job? Working with Latin-speaking cephalopods. Yeah... I'm a weirdo.
I'd like to be a professional dog snuggler. I'm very good at it.
I'd like to be a professional dog snuggler. I'm very good at it.
In a magical world where it wouldn't kill me, professional caramel eater. I am so good at it.
Otherwise I'm going to have to say Stay at Home Mom and hobby farmer!
Wow. i feel lucky to have had my dream job - fashion designer, but professional crafter or world traveler would be another. Tks for the give away!
dream job- I want to host a martha Stewart style show. Complete with assistants to clean up and do dishes, etc
Hurray Canada! What beautiful fabric you're offering.
My dream job would be a writer. I've always wanted to be a bestselling novelist but I'm too lazy to actually do it.
My dream job would be to make a profit on the thing I spend most of my time doing anyway: crafting! Thanks for the great giveaway!
spoookyghost (three "o"s)
Oh my gosh how you make me laugh! I too would love to be a pro napper. If not that... then a professional taste tester for some confectionary shop!
Where is that blue bird in a tree silhouette fabric from?!? I LOVE it. Totally into birds lately. Maybe I'll win it and then I won't have to go searching for it :)
My dream job would be to do over all the horribly tacky early childhood classroom environments out there and help make them beautiful and inspiring (if only there were money for such a thing!). Thanks for the chance!
My dream job would be Professional Dilettante. Does that work? On different days, I feel like reading books, playing video games, cooking, or sewing, but I get antsy if I do the same thing too many days in a row. Dilettante it is!
I would love to some day be a long arm quilter. Some day :)
I am not an excellent napper. LOL. Quite the opposite in fact. I think my dream job would be something that allows me spend a great deal of time with my family and still create beautiful things all day!
Great fabric! Dream job? How about surfing the net checking out quilting sites?????? Thanks!
or reader of books.
or doodler.
I guess my dream job would be doing wonderful things for people and making them happy. I am somewhat lost in being a mom right I guess that's part of my job...but I don't even know what else I'd really like to do.
Thanks for your giveaway!
My dream job would be to have my own craft shop. And your fabrics are great!
Love your giveaway fabrics. Thanks for the chance. Dream job....a person who takes fabric discards off quilters' hands and ends up with freebie fabric to make quilts!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would like to be paid to be a professional crafter.
lol... my husband could be a professional napper too!! but not me... i can't nap (sadly). my dream job would be to have my own gallery with a little studio off to the side where i could either work on my illustrations or jewelry, or sit in the gallery and quilt.
wonderful giveaway items!! i hope to be the lucky new owner!
I'd love to be a paid Doodler. :-)
I would love to be a photographer!
Great choices! Love the quilter's swap...must check that out. As far as a dream job...honestly, I think I have it right now - I am a children's librarian. :)
beautiful fabrics!
dream job. hmm... vacationer. ahhh.
Dream job, that's a hard one. I'd love to work at the Commercial Pattern Archive. I love vintage patterns.
Great fabrics! Not sure about my dream job though... does stay-at-home-mom count? That's what I want to do... :-)
For me, professional gift giver. I love buying for others - knowing them and getting just the right gift, the one they open and just can't believe anyone would ever have thought to buy or make it for them.
Thanks for the giveaway and continued good luck!
My dream job would be to craft up little bits of goodness all day long and get paid! Thanks for an excellent giveaway!
I am lucky enough to have my dream job: stay-at-home mom :D It means a lot to me to be able to raise my child.
senjosuki at yahoo dot com
I am living my dream. Stay at home mom, quilter, home school teacher. :) Thanks a bunch!
My dream job would have to be a doctor! I love helping others and it would be great to be able to heal people!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Haha, napper. I love it! I think mine would be cookie taster. Though I might get sick from all the sugar...
My dream job would give me enough time to sew and bake and cook!
Lovely fabric. My dream job? Helping others with adoption or fostering...but still having time to craft and sew!
My dream job. Oh gosh. I'd love to make money just doing my creative stuff. Selling what I sew, designing clothes patterns. That would be awesome.
My dream job would be to own a non-profit restaurant and community center :)
My dream job would be getting paid to take care of my own children!
dvdenter (at) gci (dot)net
I have always wanted to write travel books and/ or be a greeting card designer
Professional...dancer? Flower grower? Anything that brings more beauty into the world :)
Thanks for the giveaway! I absolutely love these fabrics.
orinoco14 at yahoo dot com
I think my dream job would be something that required lots of creativity ... and sewing - how about fashion designer!
What a great giveaway! Over the years I have had many ideas of what a dream job would be for me. I think I've found it and lucky me, it's actually my job! I am a nanny. I love kids and this has turned into the best job I have ever had.
Dream job? Well, that would be a mommy, and that's what I am, but in a perfect world I wouldn't have to deal with any bodily fluids. Ugh.
My dream job to be rich and give to those in need...(like the old Millionaire show)
nhsarab at yahoo dot com
My dream job? Professional Grandmother. I would spoil, giggle, sew for, tickle, babysit, and then send the sugared out, overstimulated darlings back to their mommas, Wait....I already have that job! So I think I will be a spoiled and pampered golden retriever...except that I would not like to have to lick my buttocks.
Forgot my url!
I would love to be a fabric designer!
abursey dot vt at gmail dot com
Lovely fabric!
My dream job, if I could dance and choreograph for a living.
My dream job would be no job just traveling the world experiencing other cultures. :)
my dream job would be being a graphic design artist and photographer for a craft magazine.
There are so many jobs that could qualify as dream job for me. The lazy me would like to be a Pajama tester, you know wear them all day long and see if they are comfortable.
But seriously, I think I would really enjoy reading children's picture books all day long to kids.r
Dream job...Hmm...when I was little it was to be a bookshop owner. Now also perhaps a professional seamstress or knitter? Thanks for the chance!
Fabric viewer would be dream job or getting paid to read blogs.....
Happy holidays!
My dream job would be owning a Kid to Kid. . . being my own boss
Thanks for the chance to win. (
I think that I already have the dream job - a grandma. Life is bliss.
Ooh, lovely giveaway! My dream job would either be what I'm doing now-stay at home mom-or to be someone who reads books and writes short blurbs about them (without deadlines).
LauraL444 at yahoo dot com
Oh, I love those fabrics. My dream job would be to quilt for a living, or maybe be a docent at the Shelbourne Museum in Vermont. Or, maybe a ....... when I grow up!
My dream job would be Diet Coke Drinker....I love that stuff. Great giveaway!
lovely fabrics. thanks for the chance.
Trying out my luck! A dream job would be to own a Quilting shop! Jackie M
vacation travel writer.
beautiful giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
Ohh. What lovely fabric! I think my dream job would be a textile anthropologist. You know, going to different and exotic countries to study all their textiles! I've been lucky enough to travel plenty, but to do it and get paid for it would be fab!
wow my dream job would be a designer of kids clothes
I am living the perfect dream's called retirement!! I'm loving it! Thanks for the chance to win your lovely give awaY!!
I'm living my dream "job" - taking care of my husband and kids!
My dream job... furniture maker. I love the smell of wood, and woul dlove to be able to create one-of-a-kind yet functional pieces of furniture.
Oh, I have never seen that bird in the tree fabric. What a lovely set.
My dream job would be coming up with ideas for businesses. I know that sounds boring, but I have a zillion ideas in my head, and I certainly can't create zillions of businesses.
My children tell me I should be a baker, they like my bread so much :) Not sure I'd like the hours, though I love to bake!
I am in my dream job(s)!! I am in recreation full time and decorating PT. They compliment each other don't they??? :)
my dream job is to own a fabric store:)
stephanie dot e dot carroll at gmail dot com
my dream job... as in totally unrealistic.. would be getting paid to sit at my desk and play the Sims3 all. day. long.
otherwise, i want to work in technical theatre, which is what i'm in school for!
hm, i'd say food critic, i'd love to eat at all the places i dream of all over the world! thank you for the give away
I would be a very good bird watcher. I can spend hours watching birds in my feeders and never get bored. Your swap group is a great idea, I will check it out, I have some goodies I would gladly swap.
thanks for the giveaway.
dream job is to be a writer - maybe some day
I wouldn't hate being a personal chef ...
I think I already have a dream job (at least most of the time)...teacher
Dream job- I already have a good one as a stay at home mom....but I would love to own a little fabric boutique :)
golfrchic (at) msn (dot) com
Dream job, dream....job...dream...when I think about working again I think Nightmare! :) But if I wanted to work then I would be a writer. If I could write. Otherwise, I'd be sewing machine repair person. I'd be so popular and I'd be able to fix my own machines! blessings, marlene
A quilter can never have too many FQ's. Yummy fabrics...thanks for the chance to win. My dream job would be to own a quilt shop.
I several dream jobs, professional napper included, but book shop owner, baker, traveler, all of those sound great.
Thank you for the giveaway!
Love the fabrics! I think I would love to be a professional book reader - only the best of books, mind you, some novels, biographys, spiritual books, cookbooks, arts and crafts (esp quilting) books, etc. I am a voracious reader!
my dream job - to be a the kind of writer who has babysitting during the day so she can write! :-) and better than that, to GET PAID for writing!
thanks for this great giveaway.
Excellent giveaway! Dream job: children's book author.
What a great giveaway!! Hmmm.... My dream job would be to teach young people to sew and quilt. I've always wanted to be a teacher. A quilting, sewing teacher would be that much better!!
Lovely giveaway prizes. I took a career test and the occupation it returned was: retired. So, my dream job would be to be retired before am retirement age! Then, can quilt more.
dream curator.
Love the Matisyahu video, from another MOT.
Lovely fat quarters. Wouldn't mind quilting something with them.
My dream job would similar to what I have right now, environmental planning, but maybe part-time only. So I have more time at home to play with my sewing machine.
And, my dream job. Own my own (very successful) craft store.
My dream job- classroom teacher for 5th grade deaf and hard of hearing students. Preferably ones that all LOVE school.
Beautiful fabrics!
My dream job would be a librarian. I love organizing things plus it would be nice & quiet :)
dream job? i'm already doing it, stay at home mom and wife! i love it:)
Dream job would be stay at home mom (which I am) but with 2 nannies, one for each baby!! :)
My dream job would be to quilt, quilt, quilt the day away! And to not have to worry about marketing - they would just sell themselves!
My dream job would be to be an author. It would be great fun to travel and research for a wonderful novel. Thanks for the chance to win in your giveaway.
I'd love to try out creative tools for a living. Wouldn't that be fun?
love the fabric.
dream job=brick and mortar fabric store owner! love
I'd think I'd make a wonderful muse. :)
Such pretty fabric!!!! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! My dream job would be to own my own fabric shop so I could sew all day!
I would love to sew for a living... and I'm trying to get there. I might consider getting a part time job as a napper.
Great fabric. My dream job would be to have a yarn, fabric and book store with a sewing area for me.
Professional whirlpool/spa tester :)
Dream job? Just being able to do what I love.. and get paid :P Baking, laundry, quilting.. cleaning even.. lol. If I could just do what I do now and make a living? Awesome.
Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to get paid for Quilting all day!! How fun would that be...
Lovely bird fabrics :)
I work at my dream job! I'm an ultrasound tech! It's very fulfilling.
My dream job would be to have my own little b&m shop where I could sell handmade goodie!
I've already got my dream job...being a mama.
lovely lovely fabrics for a giveaway.
you are too much about your dream job. My dream job would be getting paid to learn. Oh to learn new things. I'm learning about quilting and it's a task within itself.
Love the fabric . . . would love to win!
Thank you for the giveaway
My dream job is to be a cloth designer!
My dream job would definitely be independent artist.
LOl how about a dream job as a professional online chatter . Since I am here all the time anyways, I could get paid for it!
naps anytime I say!!!
There are lots of things I'd love to be paid to do (candy taster?!? HELLO!!! LOL!), but I'll tell ya what ... Advocacy work seems to be my calling. I was ][ this close to a position with the South Jersey AIDS Alliance when funding was dropped, and I've never been more bummed about missing out on an opportunity.
Thank you for the generous giveaway. I especially love the print with the little bird in the tree. :)
dream job, medical researcher, reality, who knows?
I'd love to teach art to little kids, or else own my own fabric shop and sew all day!!
I always joke that I would like to be a hand model. Sounds very stress free compared to my day job.
Professional napper sounds dreamy too...
Dream job? Hmmmm, mayber a writer, or running a quilt shop with my sister, depends on the day! Thanks for the chance to win!
I love the professional napper idea, but since you've already claimed that one, I'll think of my own:
I'd like to be a professional studio musician. Not "famous", just behind the scenes, writing, arranging, playing, singing (my choice of music, of course). But if there's one thing I've learned in this lifetime: never pray too specifically - you may just get it. So I'll just be me - wife, mommy to (almost) 3 sweet kids, follower of Christ.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I always wanted my own craft supply store.
I think I woudl be really good at testing out chocolate......
My dream job would be quality inspector at the Four Seasons- worldwide!!! Thanks for the chance...
My dream job would be to be part of the crew on a crazy marine research vessel. Have you seen the movie "The Life Aquatic"? I would be chief underwater photographer on the Belafonte in a heartbeat! I am hosting a giveaway too if you would like to take a look.
I would love to be a writer. I would love to write a really good book. :)
baba3mama21 at yahoo dot ca
My dream job would be a stay-at-home wife to a farmer/mother. Or a photographer who could actually make a living taking pictures. Or an artist of some sort. Or a novelist/journalist.
Dream job....To be a professional traveller. Love travelling and seeing the world. How awesome to get paid for it.
My dream job is to have my own quilt shop.
I love this fabric. my dream job would be getting a paycheck for being a SAHM! Thanks for the chance to win!
My dream job would be a bit of everything - some sewing, some writing, some gardening, some cooking and NO housework! Thanks for the chance to win!
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