I missed the sign-up for Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day this spring. I intended to do it, but with all the things going on right now, it just slipped past me. But that's okay. I do have something to give away, to mark Victoria Day, and also the amazing fact that I now have 200 followers on my blog! I am very grateful to all those of you who read my blog and leave me such lovely comments. You are all wonderful, and I never write a post without finding at least one comment that touches me in some way. I've hosted several giveaways in the past. I've always resisted making people become followers to get more chances to win. So I feel very honoured that those 200 people pressed the Follow button because they liked what they read rather than to increase their odds of winning a few FQs.

Today's giveaway is a fat-eighth bundle of Maison de Garance by French General. I realized that, after making one quilt with this line, as gorgeous as it is, I'm not likely to make another one - there are just too many new fabrics to play with. I've been been planning to give it away, and today is the day! It's hard to see the fabrics when they are all bundled up like this, but here is the quilt that I made with a couple of charm packs. You can click through to Flickr to see more.

To have a chance at this bundle, please leave me a comment with a crazy or touching pet story. I'll make the draw soon, on Thursday the 26th.
Our cats love to sit in the window. One day the cat from the apartment above ours fell from their balcony. Now our cats are always watching for cats falling from the sky. Constant vigilance.
("Ceiling cat", as we dubbed him, was unharmed.)
A balcony is a great place to indulge in people watching, and I became aware of a reunion unfolding just below me. A boy of about twelve, had obviously returned from somewhere, maybe camp, and he greeted his little brother with a hug and a kiss. He then threw an arm around his father's shoulder and kissed him too. "How nice," I thought, and then he bent and scooped up a small dog that had been watching him closely. He rocked it in his arms like a baby and kissed it, and hugged it, and kissed it, and hugged it...... and kissed it again! Pure love, and so much of it. Lucky dog.
Our kitty passed away, & I sooo miss him joining hubby & I to watch tv. Hubby would stretch out his legs onto the foot stool, & kitty would 'tightrope' out & lay on the 'bridge.' Miss that....
Great giveaway! Please count me in! Every morning my dog and the cat eats the same time and in the same bowl.
Thanks for the giveaway. My cat Becky Wilson is a rescue cat & I knew she was the cat for me as soon as I saw her listing. Her foster carer said that she was an independent sort of cat who would never be a lap cat, which was fine with me. But these days whenever I'm on the computer she sits on my lap & it makes me smile.
Our black labrador went crazy one afternoon howling and hopping around the garden like a wild dog. We did not know what the problem was and came rushing outside as we thought he had been run over or badly injured . Turns out he had been sleeping in the sun, got his foot caught in his collar and was hopping around on three leg, It was a funny site to see and very noisy too.
We don't have pets but my niece was 'adopting' a neighbors cat. And that cat would be near our gate directly facing the window of my niece's room and she would tell everyone 'that's MY cat'!
Your giveaway prize is amazing - thanks for the chance!
My son had open heart surgery within the first 12 hours of his life. We told him at one time our black stray cat, Action had made that scar on his chest. Well don't you know that he still tells that story and he's 5. You should see the raised eyebrows at his comment, people think I'm the worst Mom ever! Action has since passed along with our other 4 critters, it's time for a new addition :( Thanks for the chance your quilt is beautiful~
my tiny white Himalayan rabbit Babe will chase my huge 100 pound chocolate labrador retriever Bubba around the house. If Babe catches Bubba in a corner, Bubba will begin shaking uncontrollably in fear - it is the funniest thing ever. Babe takes one sniff and hops away ...
Both are rescues that were given to us by our vets - Babe was thrown into traffic from a car window and Bubba was 1 of a litter if 13 puppies placed in a bag in a road-side garbage dumpster.
Many years ago my father had a heart attack during the night and my mother and him left for the hospital. Our beautiful german shepherd dog just laid on his bed and would not let anyone near him. I laid a balnket over him and she did not move until my mother returned late in the afternoon. I guess she sensed something was really wrong with her master. She was so kind and such a beauty.
My daughter got married in Rome. We had the reception at her new inlaws apartment and put a bow on their german shepard, Heidi, the wedding dog!
I've never been attracted to this fabric line, but my mom saw it when I dragged her to a quilt shop and loved it. I could make her a pretty sweet gift!
I'm not a pet person, really. I've managed to weed out our menagerie by finding new homes for two Jack Russells and a Great Dane. We still have the husband's parrot, who still tries to call the dogs to go outside!
Thank you for a lovely giveaway.
My pet story is that my son's hamster was on my desk and next thing I know it crawled into my printer. I opened the lid to find it, but couldn't see it, because it was inside with the paper feed. Next thing I know, my son is calling...Mom it's coming back out. The hamster had flattened itself and was coming out the paper feed area...only about 1" thick. It was quite a sight and I didn't have a camera fast enough to capture it. =)
I don't know how cute this is...but one of my cats drools really bad when he eats. So my sister is around last night, and my cat comes into the room, walks up next to her and shakes his head vigourously, shaking his drool all over her. It was pretty gross. But I did laugh!
When I had my wisdom teeth removed, out then-3-legged cat sat with my as I recovered. He was rarely a good sitter, but he stayed with me the whole time. In truth, I think it was opportunistic, as he liked to lick the milkshake dribble that followed from the anesthesia-driven-puffy-feeling-mouth, but still, it was very sweet.
I have a very poignant and touching pet story. Ever since our family dog died when I was 10 I decided that I did not like dogs because you love them and they die. So from then on I distanced myself from too much affection for dogs and pets. When I got married 10 years ago my husband started talking about getting a Rhodesian Ridgeback. It took him 7 years and we got our very own Kess as a puppy. I loved him. We bacame very good friends. He is an amazing dog (other than his need to track deer and eat entire loaves of my homemade bread) Well, due to my husbands career it is no longer possible for us to have him. I have know about this since September and have been preparing myself. THis has been a lot more difficult than I had imagined. He is having a 2 day trial with a new family (starting Saturday). I went for a run this morning by myself and found myself very sorrowful as he was not at my side. I never knew my heart could feel this way for such a pet. I am so glad for the three years that we had him. I would make this quilt in Kess's honour- especially because the quilt that we have on the couch is going to go with him to his new home.
Great giveaway! Funny pet story: My parakeet Penny "laughed" like me. She could also wolf whistle and say "birrrrd."
Pet story - we had a dog named Tigger. I did not like the dog but for some reason during a storm it would FOLLOW ME everywhere! Normally it would be snuggled up to my mother but during storms...it wanted me.
I can look back and laugh now, but at the time, it was just one more reason not to liek the dog.
Nice giveaway! My ultra-fluffy cat Bean sleeps on top of me all night long- whenever I roll over he patiently waits until I stop moving- then climbs back on. He also snores, follows me from room to room like a puppy and fusses at me until I check his bowl every morning- whether it is empty or not! I love that cat :)
Sweet giveaway.
My dog story: I have a dog, Abby, (actually Abbynormal) who thinks anything on the counter is hers. One day I baked a cake for dinner guests and had it waiting on the counter for dessert. The guests arrived and I went to open the door. By the time I returned to the kitchen. about 3.5 minutes, Abby was up on the counter and over half of the cake was gone. She just looked at me like "What???" Needless to say, we had ice cream for dessert.
Sweet giveaway! I feel exactly like you on the follower thing. I love my followers because for some reason they like me!! I would hate to think I was in someone's reader just because I blackmailed them into clicking follow just to get a chance at a prize. That's no fun ....
I have a million crazy dog stories but the one we still talk about is the day I made a giant meatloaf for dinner. I mean this loaf of meat was HUGE and we were all talking about it all day because I hardly make dinners anymore. I had to run to pick up one kiddo from band practice and when I got back the house was full of angry boys and one rottweiler hiding under the dining room table. Our dog Jada had eaten the entire thing and licked the plate clean. To thing day we only need to say "meatloaf" around her and she hangs her head and slouches away.
My sweet yellow lab got married to my friend's black lab because we had to move. It was a good way to give an excuse to the kids. She had white tule on and red nails. He wore a tie. We had a joining of the leashes ceremony with cupcakes decorated with bones.
When our DD was 3, I told her we were having a smorgasbord for supper. She replied, "Smorgasburger - who's going to eat that - us or the dog?!" Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway, I love that fabric line!
We used to have a yellow lab. He was a sweetheart, reliable, trustworthy, well trained. My husband went off to work, Austin was feeling lonely. He walked himself on our usual path, to the coffee shop! (almost 2 miles!) Our neighbour spotted him looking into the shop's windows looking for us! It cost our friend a muffing to get our dog in his truck and bring him home for us! Good friend, to bring our dog home, but we still miss our Austin (3 yrs gone).
Take care, Leslie
We had a yellow Lab who was a little on the high strung side. When she was a pup, we kept her in her crate while we were gone from the house. One day we came home to find the family room in mess, and found that we had not latched the crate properly. She had gotten out, and was having a party. Her most dastardly deed was when she chewed the sewing machine cord for my Bernina in two! Thankfully it was not plugged in.
I have a parrot from my 6 years, I have 43 do the math how old it is! ... still lives with my mom ..
beautiful fabrics
When we first got our puppy we crated her so that she couldn't get into trouble while we were out. We usually had our older dog shut in one part of the house so instead we put the puppies crate over the door to keep older dog in without shutting the door. We kept coming home to the dog in the lounge and we couldn't work out how until one day we caught him jumping on top of the crate and over the top! :)
Happy to follow you and thanks for the giveaway. I too missed the sign up, but if you come around on my b-day I may have something then :) If you want some really good dog stories stop by my blog http://jenniffier.blogspot.com I post about my two German Shepherds often. However, here's something I haven't posted yet. I came home on Saturday I found my two leather couches in the middle of the living room and stuffing all over the living room. It turned out the big 3 year old german shepherd let the little one year old out of her crate, as it too was in the middle of the room and she decided my couches were good play toys. Luckily, She just got the foam and not the leather!
I have my ironing board set up behind my love seat, similar to a sofa table. Or at least that is how one of my cats views it. She loves rolling around on it. However, an ironing board isn't as stable as a table. She's managed to tip it over at least once and has come very close other times, just managing to throw a paw across to the other edge to balance. And yet, she keeps hoping up there.
I have 2 Maltese dogs, the first one we got several months after losing our son. They now our very much our fur babies and when going for walks will walk one on each side of our autistic daughter, barking if anyone gets to near her!
Neither realizes they're tiny dogs and will antagonize any dog near their girl.
Woke around 5am to this "awareness" of movement. Opened my eyes to see Toby, my snowshoe siamese laying on my bookcase headboard and pawing on the shelf below until his claw hooked his plastic canister of kitty treats. Slowly he lifted it up to where he was laying. I reached up and put it back with a firm, "NO Tob". The original cat burgler! What a boy.
I've got the grand kiddies for the weekend. Josh (3) catches the lamb and gives it a kiss! Eliana(1)clings to me and the board fence in tremendous worry. I imagine next year they will both be kissing lambs on the nose!
Crazy pet story? Oh, boy, do I have them. Like the calico who curls up in the basin sink in our bathroom when it's warm out and naps there for hours? Or the little black cat (she's fully grown and only 5 lbs) who rides around on my husband's shoulder like a parrot? Or the other cat, who wrestles our dirty socks out of the laundry hamper and parades around our house, yowling proudly (if somewhat muffled) through his mouthful of footwear? I'd keep going, but I think I'll stop. :D (PS, I LOVE French General!)
I missed out on signing up for the giveaway too!
And let me tell you, great minds must think alike because I've been working with the Maison fabric too and decided on almost the exact same pattern using half square triangles.
P.S. I'm not posting for your giveaway...just wanted to share.
Good luck to everyone who enters.
Well, last week my dog got out of the yard. My four year old tried to tell me what happened, but it took a while for me to "get" that the dog left. He and I spent more than an hour driving around looking for her, with no success. We stopped home for a quick lunch, when my hubby pulled up and told me that he would look during his lunch break. Three minutes later, hubby came back with the dog. Don't know what to think about that... glad she was safe!!
What a generous give-away, Lesly. And I love your quilt. Now for a story...A few months ago, I came home from work and the first thing the baby sitter said was, "I am so sorry!" She told me that my son had gotten into some serious mischief that afternoon. I called my 3-year old downstairs and asked him what he had done. He told me with a very serious face, "I decorated the cat. With toothpaste." The poor cat was blue from the toothpaste and I had to give the poor guy a bath. Amazingly, he tolerated it all very well.
Such a gorgeous quilt. It really shows off the potential of these fabrics that I otherwise might not have been so drawn to. Now I know I would love to make a quilt with them.
We had a cat who when she went into labour would come and get me. She would literally grab my fingers gently in her teeth and pull me until I got up and followed her up the stairs to the bottom drawer in our bathroom cabinet, which we had already prepared as a maternity ward. She wanted me sitting there with her, talking and petting her for hours while she was in labour and right through delivery. If I got up to leave, she would jump out of the drawer. Strange. I was really surprised at how she wanted me there. I was glad to share the experience with her.
Our short dog Miss Brown loves to swim. ONe day she was having a bit of trouble in a fast-flowing river, so my husband picked her up and carried her across- and all the time she was above the water her little legs kept doing dog paddle!
My mom owns two miniature dachshunds and whenever I visit that act goofy and climb all over each other to get my attention. They make me laugh and laughing is good. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
My two boys know that the best way to "wash" their hands and faces is to let the dog lick whatever is dirty (gross). Also my oldest loved taking baths, and used to get the dog's leash and put it on her when he was getting in the tub and pull her with all his might to get her to join him (she hates baths and has yet to take one with him-thank goodness!).
oops-forgot my email address- mine is the bath and clean face comment. blogger won't let me log in to leave comments so I had to leave it annonymously.
krwejo at gmail dot com
What a great giveaway!!! I have two Labradoodles. My male is tall and a huge 125 lbs. A big lap dog. He always wants to lay on your lap as soon as you sit on the couch. Our little female is only about 45 lbs. She is so full of energy and just wants to love every one, and kiss every one. I love having these dogs and being met with their unconditional love everyday!!!
Thanks for the generous giveaway. We are in pet overload so I will share only one. Our dog, Brie, is a lab terrier mix, i.e.large and we got four kittens, two of whom were not fully weaned for their mom. Brie was spayed at a very early age so she did not really understand motherhood but when Peaches, the orange kitty saw Brie laying on the floor and saw nipples she thought she could go back to nursing and Brie thought she was suppose to let her because she was so small. She really thought the kittens were just little puppies that didn't bark. They all love one another and sleep together, day or night.
Not so sweet pet story but boy did I love this cat. When travelling between towns on relocating the cat came from the back seat to the front. He paused mid way and I thought he was going to sit down at my feet but no - he had a bowel motion. I did not even think, I put out my hand and caught the droppings. People can't believe that I did this but I did. I think the give away fabric would go a long way to helping me recover from this experience. Thanks for opportunity
I just recently found your blog and always enjoy reading.
Last fall one of the kids came inside and told me there was a goldfish in the sandbox. Random - I didn't pay much attention, I thought they had found an old fish toy, but no, our cat must have caught a fish from our neighbors pond and brought it home. Oops. I am torn between pride in her hunting skills and shame for her killing a neighbor's fish.
Thanks for the chance to win - I love this fabric line!
I like to read your blog and I would love to win the fabric. Thanks for the chance. dorthac@aol.com
My Yorkie, Sir Charles, thinks that every blanket and quilt I make is his...when we travel we take a blanket with us, much the way you would with a baby.....LOL. Adore the colors of your giveaway!
Being out in a very rural area, we always have strays "left" for us. Last spring, my sweetie said - "don't feed that cat" that had been hanging around for about a week. I went past the door one morning and there was a bowl of milk out there! Feeding that cat!
I called sweetie at work -- and he said, "well, looks like she's nursing some little ones".
You can tell the story has a happy ending - we ended up with a momma cat and her 6 kittens that year!
Thanks for sharing! I love French General fabric colors!
Oh, great giveaway. That's one of the few lines my husband actually likes!
A funny pet story.. hmm. We have a ginormous American Bulldog, who is more popular than we are. A couple of months ago, I heard a knocking/scratching at my front door, and realized Texas (ours) was standing looking out the front window, quiet as a church mouse. Weird, he usually freaks out at people at the door. So I peek out... there's no one there! I hear scratching again and look down... there's a little English Bulldog sitting on my doorstep, looking forlornly at Texas. "Can Tex come out to play?"
LOL! The bugger escaped from next door and came right to his pal Tex's house. I let him out and they rolled around on the lawn for the whopping 10 minutes bulldogs are good for :)
We had a cat that was a 'Barbie napper'. She would find my girls' Barbies upstairs while they were in school and haul them down by the hair to the basement...it was a bit creepy...imagine if she were one of the big cats...we'd be doomed to a maneater! She loved to interact with us; we put her under a box with a hole cut out of the top and would walk a Barbie by; she would swipe that Barbie as clean as could be right into the box with her...it was hilarious!
I have the best cat and dog in the world (if you ask me, anyway, LOL!). My 12yo cat, Grapefruit, answers to whistling by running up to whomever is whistling and head butting them in the face! My 2yo German shepherd, Sprocket, loves her toys so much that she hugs one when sleeping like a 3yo would hug a stuffed animal. It's SO cute!
Thanks for the chance to win!
My cat Casey found me at the Pound when I was shopping there. He's a lover, also my official Quilt Supervisor. BTW, Casey is long for K itty C at.
At our old house, the door wouldn't latch unless you threw the deadbolt, so every now and again, we'd walk into the living room to see the door wide open. Oops!
One day we were upstairs chatting with black cat on my lap, and white cat runs and meows very complex, runs off, and black cat follows at top speed. Turns out the front door was open and white cat was telling black cat to come oustide and play!
I am probably too late, but oh well!
thats what happens when you dont keep up with the blogs!
anyway- here is my stories.
Right now it is thundering and lighning quite a bit and very close. Our dog is terrified of storms- but is pretty good about it. She hides, trembling, behind my husbands recliner. when one of us gets up to go to another room (even ones shes not allowed in) she follows us with less than 6 inched between us- even to the bathroom to curl up at our feet!!
here is my other story- its in my blog about how letting the dog out at 430 am was more than I bargained for!
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