I have something new to show, friends - my entry in the Naked Bed Challenge hosted by Sarah Fielke. The idea is that you have to make a new quilt for your own bed by June 2 (thank goodness the top is sufficient - there's no way I could get this quilted by then!) I decided to make this one here.
This quilt is from the book by Sharon Sebrow, Kaleidoscope: The Smart Way. I used the SmartPlate ruler, which I have blogged about previously (here is a tutorial on how to use it, and here is the post where I showed the first quilt I made with it). The quilt is a combination of a churn dash block and a kaleidoscope block - very simple, but way more than the sum of its parts! The fabric is Greenfield Hill by Denyse Schmidt, in the red and blue colourways. This was not a popular line, but I really like it. I knew I wanted to make something out of it, and I only love this line more now that I have.
The only thing that is kind of wonky about this quilt is the way that the blades of the kaleidoscope blocks are kind of off-kilter where they meet their match in the blocks with the churn dash. This is due to the way the ruler is used to make the kaleido blocks from pinwheels. It doesn't make me crazy, although they do look a bit drunk, the way some of the prints look tilted. Look at the first one one the left, top row - see how the checkers are oriented one way in the churn dash block but just rotated a bit in the blades of the kaleido block? Also, you can see in the photo below where I screwed up by switching pieces on two of the blocks - they are both dark blue so it isn't too obvious (the two blocks on the far right, 2nd and 3rd rows). I didn't see it until it was too late to fix it without a major overhaul.
And here's how it will ultimately end up - naked no more!
Edited to add: Winner! Ding ding ding!
I love the pattern for this quilt AND the fabric. Great choice!
It is a wee bit off but what a great top for a naked bed!!!
i agree with beth. the fabric looks great in your quilt.
*drool* pprrreetttyyyy!!
it's beatuiful lesly! i stare it it and i go into a quilt coma :)
thanks for stharing!
I love it, congratulations on getting the top done! I also really like that fabric and it looks great in your quilt!
Looks fantastic, naked bed no more!
This is gorgeous and I love the fabrics you used - so fresh! Hope the quilting goes well and you get finished in time! Jxo
Beautiful quilt! I love tops that have the illusion of circles when no curves were pieced. Looking forward to seeing pics once its quilted.
love this quilt so much I just had to go search and buy the book! Now to find the ruler too......
I agree that this is my least fav Denyse Schmidt line, you did a great job though. I am impressed with how it came out- Dara
Lovely quilt!
I can't see anything 'off' about it at all and think it just looks full on gorgeous. Great job!
This is gorgeous!!!
This looks fantastic-well done. I really love the pattern and the fabric
Lovely quilt! great fabric choices!
Hi Lesly,
Your quilts are stunning! This one in particular has great colors and textures. Loved the red hot one too. Simply gorgeous!
Great, I like it and the colors you used ! hugs
That is a lovely quilt! And kuddos to you for covering your own bed...I've been quilting for years and haven't yet made a quilt for my bed! I tend to make more lap size...I do have a few jelly rolls bought that I want use for me...one step at a time!
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