I am the worst - blogger, that is. I haven't posted a word since 2011, so apologies for that. I was embroiled in obligations for my day job plus enjoying having my daughter home from university over the winter break and nary a word was written nor photo taken. But with 2012 well under way, I'm back with renewed vigour!
Now comes the reason for this post's title and question mark. I've been working on a little quilt for my daughter's friend; I finished the top awhile ago and posted photos here. In the mood for a quick piecing project, I grabbed a handful of FQs from The Workroom on one of my trips to Toronto and used my new Marti Michell ruler to cut them into triangles. When I had finished piecing the top, I was seriously underwhelmed. But I have down this road too many times not to recognize the jadedness that comes from spending too much time with a quilt top jammed up against my nose while wrestling with it under the needle. I have infinite faith in the restorative power of the wash/dry cycle that turns a homely project into a quilt that one feels proud of. But this time it didn't work.
Shall I enumerate all the failings of this little critter? First, it's too small. Finishing at 57" square, it is neither fish nor fowl: too big for a baby quilt and not big enough for a lap quilt. Second, the points are all ahoo, which leads to the third flaw: the method I used for quilting it - straight lines - only accentuates the wonky - in a bad way - seams. Fourth, I don't think the mix of warm and cool colours works all that well, and I think there are too many different prints. What I do think works well is the voile binding; it's lovely and soft. And this is the first time I've worked with shot cotton, and it is truly lovely, although a royal pain to work with since it stretches all to hell.
I even debated sharing the evidence with you all, but in the interest of honesty, I loaded all the photos of this quilt into a Flickr set called The Worst. So I was gobsmacked when I started getting comments about how much people liked it. It's gotten loads of pins on Pinterest. Of course, the madcap points aren't really obvious from the distance most of the photos are taken from, but the clashing warm/cool colours and the haphazard prints are glaring. The positive feedback is making me take another, more careful look at it. I can't bring myself to love it, but maybe it isn't The Worst.
Maybe it would make a good picnic quilt? That way, you won't care when it gets grass stains :)
1. You are not the world's worst blogger.
2. That's because every time you post it is always something gorgeous.
3. This is gorgeous
4.Perfection is over rated.
The best! I love it. I think it is big enough for a lap quilt. I made a huge one for my husband as a lap quilt and he found it too big, and so I made him a much smaller one which he uses frequently.
I think it's great! It is on the small side, but those still work OK for couch quilts :)
I have to know - since you used FQ's, did you start with 4 1/2'' strips? I am working on a quilt with equilateral triangle starting with 4 1/2'' strips (best use of a FQ so no waste I thought), and I have been trying to figure out how many triangles I'm gonna be sewing together. I want it to be at least 90x90 as it will be a wedding present.
I think its wonderful. I love the colours in the quilt. It's beautiful!!! Don't worry about the imperfections. Who's perfect??? I think it's a great lap quilt. I bet it will be one of the favourite quilts to use when you got your feet curled up under you and you just need a little something extra to warm you up. I love it!!!!
It's lovely! It's an excellent size for a lap quilt, especially for someone shorter. The prints are very nicely balanced with the plains, adding interest without making the quilt too busy. The randomness is very nice indeed, and helps detract from the wonky lines. Actually, I'm really not noticing the wonky lines at all, and since it's to be used as a lap quilt instead of being laid out flat on a bed, nor will anyone else. I can't see a problem with the colours either. Pinks naturally work well with both warm and cool colours, and the balance of values and saturation works well too. I once had a porblem with the quilt you can see at http://www.craftsy.com/project/view/Autumnal-bedspread/4088, as there are some beiges in there which really are too greyed to look good with the warmer light golden colours, but I just about get away with it, and this quilt doesn't seem to have that particular problem.
Put it away, don't look at it for a while, and then look at it with fresh eyes and reevaluate it. Sometimes thing we originally think are mistakes turn out not to be, and we learn new skills in the process. Even if the skill in questioin is just to loosen up a bit, which I certainly know I need to learn as I tend to be too conservative with colour ranges and so forth.
Welcome back and I do understand about stuff getting in the way of blogging. I have to agree that this quilt has charming colouring.
I really like it, Lesly! The colors are vibrant without being "in your face", I love the triangles (I just got a triangle die for my Go! cutter and can't wait to use it), and personally I think that 57" square is a good size for a lap quilt - we make most of our ministry quilts 60" square because it's a good size to sit in a chair with and not too big to cart around with you! And I really don't think the wonkiness is as obvious as you think it is. Give it to your daughter's friend - I bet she'll love it!!
when I pulled this up- i thought- wow- i love those colours and the triangles.
I agree with the others that perfection is over rated and Im short so i think it would be fine for a lap quilt
I actually really like this quilt and immediately got excited when I saw it in your flickr stream the other day. The triangles and colors are great! Maybe you are being too hard on yourself because it isn't turning out like you had envisioned?
aren't we are worst critics. I think it is lovely and the colours beautiful. If this was 'perfect' then we'd know it was made by a machine in a factory and not by loving hands at home. I stopped trying to make it all perfect ages ago and feel so liberated. If it is not going in a juried show, who cares. It is the love, thought, and care that goes into making quilts that make them all special and wonderful.
it's really not the worst. and it's not too big for a baby quilt, either.
I think it looks flippin awesome! I'm a short person so I think that is a good size.
Nothing I make ever comes out completely perfect. Nothing in life ever is. I think this is just amazing and will take it off your hands if you just can't stand it a minute longer :D
I love it. Remember we are our own worst critics. I think it's beautiful.
Hilarious! I just finished quilting one I'm not too happy with either. Just hoping washing it will soften the blow. I LOVE YOURS!!! I really love the color and quilting... and I came across it on pinterest. Wouldn't you know??
I thought the title referred to "Isn't is the worst feeling when you make a gift and like it so much you want to keep it?" I think it is great:)
It is far from worst, I like the twinkle of colors. Great finish!
Interesting, these doesn't read cool to me at all. Most of those purples are coming across as warm. Now, I know that purples are notoriously hard to photograph.
That being said, isn't that Marti Michell triangle ruler the best? I used on a quilt for the book and I'm using it on my voiles now.
I think there is a big struggle in deciding how to quilt one of these equilateral triangle quilts.
Don't be so hard on yourself. Not every quilt has to be your favourite.
Really, I think this quilt is perfect. I have been looking to challenge myself with a different colorway and I love this use of color. Also, I think that lap quilts get much more use than bed quilts. This frustration happens to me every single time I make a quilt...I have a period of not liking it and then as I take another look, it is better.
I was surprised to see so much criticism on a post that I got excited about when I saw the gorgeous quilt that adorned it! Points are overrated (i.e., I don't know if mine will ever come near to perfect!) I love the motion of the quilt when you focus on the bright pink squares or the deeply colored solids.
I'm glad you decided to share!
Pretty! I happen to really like purple right now and I like the mix of colors - it seems very much like a "Lesly" quilt.
I'm still struggling with my triangle quilt - i also hated my quilting - no way a triangle quilt is going to come out with perfect dimensions.
I really like the color combination..points are difficult and I think it is lovely. If you feel compelled to be a size queen...there is no rule that says you can not add a sash and border...and viola! big quilt!
Oh, I really like it! Liked it on first glance. The colors are lovely. Definitely!
I love this quilt! I am on a 60 degree ruler journey at the moment. I have Marti Michell's ruler too. I came to your blog because I saw this quilt on Flickr. I think I would like to make one like it.
i'm one of those folks who found your quilt via pinterest. i think the colors and fabric choices are incredible! you are definitely too hard on yourself. this is a stunning quilt!
I absolutely love it! I stumbled upon it from Flickr, and the wonkiness imperfectness is what I love about quilts. So I say kudos, you did great!
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