So the Dresden Plates for the
Lily's Quilts QAL are all pieced. I thought this might give a better idea of the scale of these plates. They say that if you are trying to lose weight you should use a dessert plate instead of a dinner plate. Wonder how much you would weigh if you used plates this size? So I'm ready for the next step, which is meant to involve piecing these plates into the frame. Mine are a bit smaller than the standard, and apparently there are quite a few folks whose blocks are not the size to fit neatly into template for the corners. Lynne says she will post directions for drafting our own corners. I will watch and wait - perhaps applique will be the way to go. Stay tuned!

If you like the fabrics I used for these blocks, you may be interested in this pack of 5" charms that I cut as I went along. There are about 25-30 squares here. I cut a pack for myself and a pack to share. Happy to send them out to someone who tells me the name of their favourite old movie - older than 1960 - by Friday the 25th. Mine has got to be Singing in the Rain! I can't the embedding code for this, but go here to see my favourite scene:
the dance number with Gene Kelly and Cyd Charisse in that green flapper dress!
my favorite pre-60s movie would have to be "Gone With the wind'
i love the very end when after Rhett leaves Scarlett she says, "I'll just worry about it tomorrow 'cause after all, tomorrow is another day"
My favourite film from before 1960 would be Calamity Jane!
Your fabrics are beautiful! And those dresdens are going to make one giant gorgeous quilt!
Thanks for sharing - and you plates look great! My fab pre '60's movie us Casablanca
Ohhhh I have so many favorite old movies...but the first one that comes to mind is Seven Brides For Seven Brothers. I had a crush on Howard Keel when I was a little girl.
My all-time, favorite, number one,, without a shadow of a doubt choice would be Casablanca. Second in line would be Gone with the Wind.
My favorite is White Christmas! Love those colors.
Ok, this came out in 1960 so I hope it counts but I love Spartacus. I can watch Kirk Douglas in that movie every day of the week. I almost cried when I saw him at the Oscars (didn't know it was him for a while) because he'll always be Spartacus to me :)
Arsenic and Old Lace. i haven't watched it since i was a kid, probably should netflix it, huh?
Oh,wait! and Oklahoma! i still know most of the lyrics to the songs..
I think I would have gone for Singing in the Rain as well. I love all the old musicals really.
One of my all time favourite films is South Pacific :)
Your plates are looking good. I haven't started stitching yet so keeping my fingers crossed I can get them looking something like!
Thanks for the cute giveaway.
Oh I'm dating myself. 1954 White Christmas with Bing Crosby ... love musicals.
Oh my all time fave is The Ladykillers 1955, Alec Guiness, Herbert Lom, Peter Sellers :) Very funny film. Love your fabrics, so pretty!
I love "The Gay Divorcee" or any Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers movie. Thanks for the chance I love your fabrics they look wonderful together.
Heaven knows Mr. Allison. Gotta love Robert Mitchum!
It has to be Casablanca - so romantic! I can't wait to see the finished Dresden plates.
One of mine is Sabrina.
South Pacific! I can sing all the songs!
I pick Sabrina.
Love your dresden plates. I like Casablanca and Gone With the Wind. I am sure there are some old Elvis Presley movies I could add but cannot remember their names, also Marilyn Munroe ones - those are not so artsy but are entertaining all the same.
Love the plates! They're Goliath size!
My favorite old movie is "The Wizard of Oz". Remember that one. When I was in second grade, I got to be a munchkin in a local theatre production.
Thirty years later, I got to sit in on a production with the same director...the monkeys wore roller skates and the wicked witch looked like Marilyn Monroe in black with a sulty voice. A much more "modern" production, but I took my original play bill along with the new one and had the director sign it.
Too much fun!
Thanks for the walk down memory lane!
I have to go with Gone with the Wind. It is a timeless classic.
The Blob!!! Nothing better than old campy horror flicks!!!
I LOVE those dresdens, and I like how huge they are. I'm not a fan of ad tedium, so quick projects are right up my alley!!
I haven't seen it in forever, but I used to love it when I was younger.
I've done these plates, too. Mine are Christmas colors. I hope they're the right size....better go check!
I love the fabric, the dresden plates, and The Pit and the Pendulum or the Fall of the House of Usher. I went to the 25 cent matinee with my best friends. Does that show my age?
An old Alfred Hitchcock film is nice ... like Rear Window with Grace Kelly.
Your fabrics look wonderful together! I just ran across my mom's copy of Singin in the Rain the other day that she had loaned me. The first movie that comes to mind is Gone With the Wind. But I know there are so many great movies...Pillow Talk is kind of a fun one.
Thanks for the giveaway, Lesly! Your plates look wonderful!
My favourite "old" movie is hard to narrow down, but tonight I'll choose The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.
Here's an old one..."Rebecca" Fabulous movie and great fabrics!
Love the movie sound of music. I seriously dont know whether its a pre 60 or a post 60 one..:)
The dresdens are great - I love your choice of fabrics, so thanks for the chance :)
I don't really watch old movies now, but I used to like Charlie Chaplin movies very much, so I think I'd choose The Kid. I loved the mixture of comedy and drama in it.
Thank you for the giveaway. I am not one for old movies but as a kid I loved Wizard of Oz. I prefer the newer one with the color but remember watching the B&W and loving it.
Hi There! I just found you through the QAL, such lovley fabrics you are using! My fave old movie is the Wizard of Oz. A popular one it seems!
Your plates are beautiful! My favourite pre 1960 movie is Oklahoma! I used to watch it with my grandma. Thanks for the chance to win.
Brigadoon (1954 - before i was born but not too much) is my favourite movie - just love it. Love your fabrics in your dresden - still have to get my fabric for mine
I know its corny, but I love
'The Quiet Man'! John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara were great!
I love An Affair to Remember. I can watch that over and over.
Love your plates!
i love picnic .... and carousel and oklahoma ... can i get a vote/chance for each one??? LOL ... i figure if i'm old enough to remember, i should get a break ... LOL LOL ... ;-)
does *peyton place* qualify ... that was a scandal then ...
Arsenic and Lace :)
Those plates are stunning. Hmmm, a movie, A movie. How about, Mr. Blanding Builds his Dream House.
Arsenic and old lace... not sure when it came out though!
Cat on a hot tin roof (ooooh Paul Newman, drule) & I like Calamity Jane too. Grease is also up there but think it's post 1960! Jxo
I loved the Wizard of Oz. Watched it every year as a kid.
I just love Mary Poppins (1964)I just love the music. Thanks for such a beautiful giveaway. I love the dresdens!
My favorite movie is the "The Maltese Falcon." I adore dresden blocks!
Mine would be "7 Brides for 7 Brothers". Gotta love the scene that the men do with their dancing and their axes and the fake snow covered mountains in the background!
There are 3 old movies that share my favorite slot: "It's A Wonderful Life", "Gone With The Wind" and "Miracle on 34th Street"
Thanks for this giveaway as it would really jumpstart me time-wise to join the Dresden QAL. Doing my income taxes is looming at me.
My favorite old movie is "Holiday Inn". All through the year I find myself singing those holiday songs.
Thanks for showing us your progress on the QAL. I didn't join in because I have too many unfinished projects on my "plate" right now (pun), but I'm enjoying the process vicariously.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
It's a Wonderful Life. Lovely fabrics. :)
hmmm. I would say It's a Wonderful Life, but then someone commented about Wizard of Oz, and I realized that may be my fave of the oldies instead....
Amazing Dresden Plates - I've never tried them and have seen several posts on the web for this QAL that have piqued my interest!
Ok, mine is 1961, but I figured that was close enough, right? Splendor in the Grass, with Natalie Wood. I love that movie...but I guess my older choice would be Gone With The Wind, I have seen it more times than I can count!
Great giveaway, and beautiful Dresdens!
Oh and Jessica said Arsenic and Old Lace, and yes, that one is great too!
It's a wonderful life is one of my favorite movies, period.
I was going to say Breakfast at Tiffanys but it was 1961. My other older favorite is the Wizard of Oz. Can't wait to see the finished quilt. Those dresdens are gorgeous!=)
Gone with the Wind is my favorite.
Wizard of Oz is one of my favorite oldies. Gorgeous fabrics! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Beautiful fabrics! Thanks for sharing them with us. My favorite pre-60's movie is It's a Wonderful Life. Thanks for the great giveaway.
My favorite pre-1960 movie: The Day The Earth Stood Still.
The. most. awesome. movie. EVER! LOL!
Gone With the Wind!
Billie in TX
Mine has to be Arsenic and Old Lace with Cary Grant...way funny. Singing in the Rain has always been a favorite of mine too, but my favorite routine is the Gene Kelly and Donald O'Conner song and dance number when Gene is doing tongue twisters and Donald is pulling faces, LOL. Moses Supposes is the song. Ah, great movies, the oldies!
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