Thank goodness Sew Mama Sew changed their participation policy so that you didn't have to sign up in advance - otherwise I would not have been able to play along!
Yes, today is Sew Mama Sew giveaway day!

The swag I am offering is below: four fat quarters of Tula Pink's Parisville. And bonus: since I bought these at a Canadian LQS, they are meter FQs instead of yard FQs, which means you get an extra inch and a half (and what girl doesn't want an extra inch and half?)!!

HOW TO ENTER: The last time I had a giveaway, we played the Person Below Me game in the comment thread and it was great fun, so we'll do it again. Here's how it works: I'm going to leave the first comment with a statement that begins "The Person Below Me ......" , and the second commenter will answer True or False to my statement, and then leave their own "The Person Below Me" statement. The third commenter will answer True or False and then leave their PBM statement. Get it? Pretty simple and lots of fun. EDITED TO ADD: There have been so many comments that we have moved on to the second comment page - please click "Newest" down at the bottom of the comment thread to take you to the most recent comment. Otherwise everyone will be replying to the dog person comment. And believe me, that gets hilarious but non-sequiturish. Example: "The PBM loves Real Housewives." "False. I can't stand the hair, slobber or smell."
1. Only one chance per person.
2. No need to follow me or do any other social networking.
3. I will mail internationally (P.S. Super duper thanks to all Americans who agree to post internationally - you will notice that all bloggers from other countries are posting internationally, and it is more expensive for us to mail abroad, just like it is for you.)
4. Comments that don't follow the format described above (e.g., merely say "thanks, pick me") will be removed - not because I am a cranky, power-mad witch but because the entry system is interactive and depends on everyone following the rules.
5. Comments will close at 5pm PST on Friday, December 16 and the winner will be notified by email.
6. If you are a no-reply blogger, please make sure that you have your email listed in the body of the comment. (I don't really understand these things, but someone told me that Wordpress bloggers can often appear as no-reply to Blogger even if your settings are appropriately turned on.)
5. Comments will close at 5pm PST on Friday, December 16 and the winner will be notified by email.
6. If you are a no-reply blogger, please make sure that you have your email listed in the body of the comment. (I don't really understand these things, but someone told me that Wordpress bloggers can often appear as no-reply to Blogger even if your settings are appropriately turned on.)
Don't forget to go to Sew Mama Sew to find the list of all the other participating blogs. Have fun and good luck!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 345 Newer› Newest»The person below me loves train travel.
True as long as I don't have lots of bags!
The person below loves winter.
The person below me thinks orange is an awesome color!
The person below me loves chocolate...
The person below me lives on a house boat!
The person below me has more than 4 children.
False! I even own a pinking rotary cutter! Ha!
The person below me married too young!
The person below me stashes in secret...
The person below me never drinks coffee!
Totally false, just finished a cup!
The person below me has 4 kids!
The person below me wants to go to Australia.
Very true! The person below me collects batiks for the fun of it.
So true! The person below me is going fabric shopping today.
Oh how did you know you are so correct...
The person below me loves hand stitching..
The person below me sews all of her quilts by hand :)
False! I am horrible with hand stitching.
The person below has or will at some point before Christmas watch The Christmas Story :)
The person below me has been to Europe.
False! I hope to go one day.
The person below me has a dog.
False, I actually have two cats.
The person below me has their passport, but hasn't used it, yet.
False - I have a passport and have used it!
The person below me enjoys bowling.
The person below me is a follower!
No, not really, (false), but I bet the person below me loves dark chocolate the best of all!
True! I love bowling! In fact I have 3 balls ranging from 12-16 lbs in both fingertip and non fingertip grips. *blushing*
The person below me loves Caribou Coffee
The person below me loves running in the rain
Dark chocolate rocks.....I don't know if I would say best of all.
The person below me really ought to be working instead of leaving comments on blogs. (oh wait, that's me!)
False ... I'm actually supposed to not be working while I wait out these last few days before our baby gets here.
The person below me collects salt shakers.
I was just too late....
but I don't collect salt shakers.
the person below me does prepare the christmas diner all by herself without any help from others.
Yep, I prepare the Christmas feast myself, because then I know I'll get everything done the way I like it!
The person below me loves a dog.
I do! I have a super sweet dog baby!
The person below me loves hot chocolate.
Indeed, but I think I love cats a but more ;)
Actually I have two (and no dog; yet).
The person below me doesn't like dark chocolate.
So not true! I ADORE dark chocolate!!
The person below me is addicted to coffee!
The person below me haven´t been to Sydney
False - I get the jitters from coffee, so I avoid it unless I'm really tired.
The person below me is not prepared for the holidays. (I know I'm not!)
False, my husband and I prepare our Christmas Dinner together as a team!
The person below me likes long winter walks.
True, but only when I'm in a snowy place, not the wet winters we get here. :P
the person below me has sat down at their computer with a glass of wine.
False. I hardly ever drink!
The person below me knows where Guernsey is in the world!
False, never had a drop of wine in my life but I did live in WA for a year and saw a lot of great vineyards.
The person below me loves Chic Flicks!!
SO true! And how!
The person below me presses her seams to the side.
The person below me finished all their christmas shopping already!
False! The person below me has all their housework done already today.
Pfftt, mega false on the housework.
The person below me is stuck at work and wishing she was home sewing.
False, I'm already home from work (living in Europe, hah!).
The person below me speaks a foreign language.
True. I speak english !
The person below me is a teacher !
False. Although I do mumble a lot, and nobody can understand me.
The person below me has always secretly wanted to act in a play, preferably something Shakespearean.
False! I am an architect.
The person below me has a dog.
True! The dog/muppet/creature is beside me right now.
The person below me secretly wishes she/he were a blonde...
The person below me loves anything made from spinach.
The person below me is still in their pajamas.
False! I really wish I were a natural redhead! :)
The person below me wishes they were swimming right now! haha! :D
haha-- if I was somewhere warm or in a heated pool that would be awesome!
The person below me likes chocolate better than vanilla.
True, a sweetie of a shih tzu!
The person below me is all done with their holiday baking!
False - I haven't started any holiday baking yet!
The person below me is dreaming of a white Christmas.
True! We only get snow occasionally, and I'm hoping for snow.
The person below me loves cats. Now, who could say "no" to that?
I am not a big cat person, mainly because of my pet-not-liking fiance.
The person below me loves to eat puppy chow at Christmas.
False....we eat it all the time not just at Christmas ROFL
The person below me speaks French
False! I prefer cat food at Christmas.
The person below me can do a handstand.
False! I cannot do a handstand. At all. But I do speak French.
The person below me is super organized.
True. I'm a bit OCD.
The person below me likes to tap dance!
false, i am not super organized. The person below me wishes school was longer for their kids so they could get more time sewing during the day.
HA! False! Not an organized person here, sorry. The person below me is a dog lover.
False, I am not a dog lover at all! But the person below me love to play air guitar when no one's watching.
False, I prefer singing random songs at the top of my voice when no one can hear. Or sometimes when they can...
The person below me is wearing pajamas.
the person below me sometimes pees in the shower
False, I've never been the air guitar type.
The person below me have all their Christmas gifts made/bought, wrapped, and ready to go.
false, sorry! the person below me has to sneeze.
False! I'm a last minute gift wrapper!
the person below loves to travel!
False! I`m way behind - nothing bought and nothing wrapped. Starting next week.
The person below me likes Indian food.
False. I don't handle spicy very well.
The person below me is a master in the kitchen!
False. A dedicated amateur, perhaps, but hardly a master.
The person below me loves Tula Pink's designs as much as I do, which is to say, she's my favorite!
The person below me has blue eyes
The person below me has traveled to Spain!
False. I can only make Chinese food and breakfast.
The person below me likes the color green.
TRUE! Frog green, to be exact.
The person below me hates snow!!
The person below me is going on holiday at Christmas..
False, I love it!
The person below me is a lover of Rainbow sandals
Tee hee, false!
The person below me adores brussel sprouts (yum yum!)
the person below me hates chocolate (just like me!).
wallerka at yahoo dot com
Right, I love it.
The person below me likes to eat in bed.
The person below me likes pickled pigs feet.
True, so long as its not messy!
The person below me has travelled extensively through Europe
Thanks for the giveaway
Sarah @
Completely false!
The perswon below me snores.
I love this comment format! Ha ha -- well I'm going to say FALSE, I NEVER snore, but I think my husband would tell you differently! ;)
The person below me would love to have a pet pig.
So true! I talk in my sleep too.
The person below me prefers cats to dogs.
True, headed up to Grandmas!
The person below me secretly wants a new sewing machine for Christmas.
False, I am embarassed by how many machines I already have....
The person below me has been quilting for years.
OK, true. But not as loudly as my husband ;)
cadamsworship (at )
The person below me rides a Harley Davidson to work!!!
False, although the husbandperson rides a Honda Rebel...
The person below me loves to organize.
false! at least - i don't think i do!
the person below me secretly likes justin bieber.
False - didn't know about him until it was too late & I showed my lack of knowledge of popular culture.
The person below me has a secret crush
The person below me is blonde!
The person below me is a hoarder of fabric!
False! (brunette here!)
The person below me has made a snow angel since becoming a "grown up".
True! The person below me...loves cats and dogs but hates to eat fish!
False, I love fish.
The person below me hums to themselves…..
False. Can't carry a tune or even a hum.
The person below me drives a mini-van.
Nope, but I sometimes wish I did!
The person below me loves sushi.
False! I don't even want to look at it!
The person below me has grandchildren.
I do love sushi!
The person below me is a good bubble gum bubble blower.
No, me and sushi have a kind of 'meh' relationship. But the person below me absolutely adores cheese - French cheese in paricular
True! Love it, love it, love it!
The person below me has dreamed of running away with the circus.
False, I'm more of a realist.
The person below me is on pinterest.
BTW, I love the comment about the extra 1.5 inches ;).
the person below me loves ryan gosling
this is fun! :)
True as long as we are talking The Notebook!!
The person below me love the smell of the earth after it rains! :o)
The person below me has more fabric than they know what to do with
The person below me doesn't listen to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving.
True...Canadian Thanksgiving!
The person below me has all her Christmas gifts made or bought and wrapped.
False! i still need to wrap them!
The person below me knows how to can fruit and vegetables
Actually true, I bottle from my fruit trees, vegetable garden and this year did chicken and deer.
The person below me loves winter sports.
Sort of true - I've made jam, pickles and salsa (which are made from fruit and veggies, but don't really count as fruit and veggies any longer...)
The person below me loves cross country skiing...
Sort of true: I love the winter olympics. Basketball and football, not so much.
The person below me doesn't like mayonnaise.
False. I can guess though!
The person below me can't pole vault.
True! Although they did teach us in high school gym... but I don't think I could really do it then either, and that was a long time ago!
The person below me has dogs.
Very True! Big over 5olb lap dogs who shed and make me love my vaccum!
The person below me likes college basketball.
False. I detest basketball.
The person below me has never bungee jumped.
True! The person below me believes in Santa Claus.
of course!
the person below me is done Christmas shopping
True(ish! I have small kids, so I have to believe!)
The person below me is a chocolate lover
True! Especially brownies!
The person below loves cats.
True I love cats
the person below me is someplace warm
True! In Newzealand and it's lovely and sunny!!
The person below me has blonde hair
True- at least after I leave the salon!!!
The person below me loves to read in bed.
True, although it gets tiresome when my arms fall asleep.
The person below me loves to eat hummus.
true, but only certain brands. (local ones, mostly)
the person below me has read Eating Animals
So true! And I stay up too late because I can't put the book down.
The person below me want sot go scuba diving before they die.
True! I've been before and I want to go lots more!
The person below me reads romantic novels.
not really, i love detective novels :)
The person below me enjoys cooking.
True, I love trying lots of new recipes.
The person below me like piano music.
True, I love to listen to the piano, especially if it is rock and roll piano like Elton John.
The person below me has seen the Pacific Ocean.
True, from both east and west sides!
The person below me has been orienteering.
No have not read it.
The person below me know how to be a good friend
Oh dear, I am not a very good friend, I don't think! False :(
The person below me has travelled in more than 2 continents.
True I think if you count Japan as part of Asia continent, Europe and North America
The person below me likes the colour blue
False :( Just two.
The person below me has never dyed her hair.
I dyed my hair with brown before.
The person below me watched The sounds of music movie before.
The person below me loves cuddling.
the person below me is a un undercover FBI agent
False! (If I said True, I'd have to kill you! LOL)
The person below me has two children
False, I have five :)
The person below me is a vegetarian
False! I have no children.
The person below me has visited Russia.
True! When I was 13 our local youth club visited our friendship town Murmansk.
The person below me loves macarons.
False! I've never been to Russia.
The person below me speaks Spanish.
Too true! Love anything sweet.
The person below me is married.
The person below me likes mint.
True, love it.
The person below me is a vegetarian.
The person below me loves to bake.
True! I love baking - but I'm still learning!
The person below me can scuba dive
False! In fact I should join carnivores annonymous and learn to eat more greens!
The person below me is wearing pajamas.
Nope, no scuba diving here :-)
The person below me is a new visitor
The person below me has three children!
False, though I do have 4 bunnies.
The person below me is eating a banana right now
False, as it is 5:58am and I just woke up.
The person below me has just fallen in love.
Not just, but I am in love!
The person below me should be working.
False! Been retired for almost a whole year and loving it!
The person below me loves red wine and chocolate, because they go together so well.
The person below me loves to sew.
Very very True!
The person below loves roller coasters.
Okay that was a little too easy. ;-)
The person below me is at a loss of words.
umm....false :)
The person below me loves bugs
False. :)
The person below me wants a pony for Christmas!
False - haha never at a loss for words!
The person below me is shy.
the PBM has been to another country.
True! i'm very shy until i get to know you!
the person below me has food allergies.
gooberific @
The person below me has children under 2.
beccanae at gmail dot com
False! No kids yet. :)
The PBM has 2 favorite colors!
michaelacking (at) gmail (d0t) com
True.... 1st fav is yellow...2nd in dark red.
the PBM loves fruit cake!
The person below me wants to bake some cookies and mail them to me.
The person below me has more than one pet.
oooh, true. We are on a farm for goodness sakes and my farmer made the kids name things with names like Porkchop!
But the person below me keeps their pets in water, round bowls, preferred.
False! We used to have a fish tank, but had to get rid of it when we got our cat! Hahaha.
The person below me loves snow!
False! I lived in Prague for 5 years and am currently rejoicing in snow-deprived Texas weather. Maybe I'll like snow again someday.
The person below me eats chocolate cake for breakfast.
True (sometimes!). christina112358 at gmail dot com
The person below me has traveled to at least half of the 50 United States.
False (or at least I don't think I'v traveled that much?!)
The person below me has 3 or more siblings.
False, I am Canadian :)
The person below me is a vegetarian...
For Gina's: True, I have 4 siblings (I answered it since she and fieryone overlapped)
For Fieryone: False.
The person below me lives in a warm climate.
Meghan: Hahaha... False - I'm Canadian... no warm climate for me
The person below more adores the color pink
True. I love purple more, but I'm wearing pink right now.
The person below me is a knitter.
False! I wish I was a knitter!
The person below me owns a graphing calculator.
True! I love math.
The person below me loves egg nog.
rebekahricker (at) yahoo (dot) com
False! I don't even know how to use one ^^
The person below me will love the book series a song of ice and fire! :)
The person below me has never played with lincoln logs.
False, I don't know that series but maybe I should try it out.
The person below me has snow in their yard.
The person below me can do a handstand.
the person below me has at least 3 tatoos
The person below me feels that their life has great purpose.
True! (Still trying to figure it out though!)
The person below me loves pandas!
the person below me has made borax crystal snowflakes.
False! Though I am intrigued!
The person below me loves mixed media art!
False (but I have made sugar crystals before - ants got in though).
The person below me has eaten a whole bag of marshmallows on their own.
What a great game :)
The person below me goes to church on Sundays.
TRUE! hehehe
The person below me has specified that their drive thru order is "to go" just to get a few laughs.
mtrand2 at gmail dot com
The person below me hates Chocolate
False,false,false!!!! I love choclate!
The person below me is a dog person.
False, I adore chocola but I cannot eat it because of my diabetic.....
The person below has a donkey
False, but I have several beloved cats! The person below lives in a large beachside condo
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