I have never been so happy to finish a quilt top as I am with this one. And it's a puzzler. I can't decide how I feel about it. I put it on my bed and it looks fine, nothing wrong with it. But for the amount of blood and tears that went into this quilt, I expected more than fine.
It is mostly Rouenneries and Lumiere de Noel by French General, but there are some other random fabric lines making an appearance, as well. The top finishes at 72" x 78".
It's funny, but it seems to be a quilt that looks better in photos than it does in real life. I may consider sending this one to the long-armer (if I can find one that I trust, having never used long arm services before), in the hope that expert quilting can turn this ugly duckling into a swan.
Finishing this kaleido flimsy was at the top of my list of holiday sewing goals, so I am pleased to have it completed. Second on my list is quilting the Paprika quilt that has been sitting around for far too long. I have the wool batting, King Tut thread and the fabric for the backing all at hand. Third on the list is a late entry: a quilt for a friend in need. A few days ago I caught up with a friend on the west coast who has had a very difficult year, a crushing, soul-crippling year. Being far away, what can one do but make a quilt? Wanting to make something quickly, I found some charm packs in my stash: two Maison de Garance packs and two Moda Bella packs in Snow, and I turned them into HSTs.
I have yet to decide how to lay them out. HSTs are so versatile, aren't they? I'll lay out some options and show them in another post.
I can empathize. You spend all of that time and money and end up with a just ok top. I really think this one of yours will come to life with quilting. There is certainly nothing wrong with a nice, usable bed quilt. This has a soft look to it, and just may surprise you!
I love this quilt! The movement is amazing. It changes as I look at it and I keep noticing different areas and patterns. Since you're not overly attached to it go ahead and find a long-armer to quilt it. I did that with a sampler quilt I recently finished I wasn't in love with and now I "like" it. I think it will grow on you :)
We will gladly adopt and/or foster any ugly ducklings that might need to fly south for the winter! LOL
I'm mesmerized by it. I love the apparent randomness of it all. The colors are soothing, except for the "pop" of the reds.
Wishing you a healthy, happy, blessed and peaceful 2011 for you and yours!
Congrats on the finish!! I like it, calm and peaceful. it looks like it needs warmth though, so quilting will definitely help. Can I suggest my favorite and most trusted long-armer, Shannon Baker? So, so talented. You can see more details of her work here, here, and here. She's just north of Atlanta and will happily take an out of town quilt & ship it back to you. it's just an idea..
I can't wait to see what you do with the HST's. I finally bought some Maison de Garance which I've admired for a long time. I love the kaledio quilt top - I like the subtly of the linen background with the small pops of red and blue. I think it will be a smashing once quilted.
I love your quilt top!! It's gorgeous!!!
I think it's going to be one of those cases where you don't like the top but will adore it when it's quilted. Don't worry!
That flimsy is incredible!!! It truly has such a flow to it. Can picture it quilted with swirls/echo quilting. You will love it when it's quilted and washed/dried ;-)
I LOVE this quilt, but then you said it did look better in your photos than in real life. (it's usually the other way around!) I've been in your shoes, to work so hard and have such high expectations and then be disappointed when it's all said and done. It's like not getting credit on the scales for all the things you didn't eat, just the things you did! I think your idea of professional quilting is the way to go.
Half square triangles, my most favorite block, the possibilities ARE endless!
Oh, it's lovely! Subtle colors, but with fun pops of color! Really special!
Lesly, I think it's lovely, but if you don't like it when it's finished, give it to someone you really love -because they will cherish it forever! And it's a good idea to use it to test out a long-armer - since you're not that fond of it, it can't make it worse and might make it better.
I still can't wait to see Paprika finished!!
I love your quilt, it looks beautiful in the pics. I had one like this and I shoved it in a draw (ok for ages..years) pulled it out just the other day and I loved it, thought to myself what was I thinking it is beautiful so now I am quilting it. Don't give up on this beauty, I love love the pattern and the splashes of red, beautiful.
This is a stunning quilt top and as you suggest some quilting can take it one step further - check out some of the quilting Judi (http://greenfairyquilts.blogspot.com) does - something inspirational in the central squares could really, really make this top sing
Chat with your pool of quilter friends and see what their advice on long arm quilters and possible designs, threads etc is - please don't write this quilt off just yet, I see a stunner ready to bloom
It's a very subtle, quiet quilt. Not a lot of value changes so maybe that's why it falls flat for you?
However you quilt it, I vote for blue thread to punch it up, and a red binding.
Your quilt is outstanding from where I sit! I love it... I can see where it was a challenge... but honestly I love it. What pattern is it??? I have always said that I can make a quilt but a longarm quilter can bring it to life. I am sure it will be wonderful!
Lesly, it is NOT an ugly duckling! I am amazed by it. I love the neutral with the pop of red. Be sure to show us the finished quilt. I'm interested to hear if your feelings about it change.
I think the quilt is beautiful! stunning! and I think you are a brave woman for attacking a pattern like that, not sure if I am there yet but I thank you for inspiring me! have a great day!
I like it a lot! The design is amazing, and the colors you chose are really soothing.
I know what you mean about feeling half-hearted about projects. Maybe when you finish quilting it. The last two projects I've been working on, in the middle of them I felt so disappointed at how they were looking, but by the time they were completely finished I was in love. Hope this happens for you!
I think this quilt top is definitely more than "just ok". I love this pattern. Hopefully the quilting will give it what you need to enjoy it more!
Fantastic flimsy finish!!! Can't wait to see how your HSTs turn out, they're one of my favorite blocks right now!
I love the quilt but I understand your feelings. I often am not longer excited about my projects or even the fabric when I am done with a project.
Oh, this is so gorgeous!
I know a long-armer in California who does beautiful work. And one in Virginia. :) I know the backporch quilter has a really inexpensive mailing deal right now (for the month of January), and know of a few people who really like their work, but I haven't seen anything personally. Good luck, and I know just how you feel! Maybe put it away for 3 months and pull it back out, it might surprise you!
It's beautiful. I like that line of fabric, it is soft. I go through love and hate in every quilt. Quilt it and you might change your mind!
So pretty, and it really does photograph beautifully. That first pic in your backyard is gorgeous! Truly.
I think your quilt looks beautiful, and the only reason you're not in love with it is that you have been looking at it for too long. What I like best about it are the random touches of red all over.
Um, I think it is absolutely beautiful. Seriously. The pics of it in your yard--I can't decide if it's the light or what, but it is such a beauty!
Your quilt top looks great. It looks like a beautiful piece of art to me.
I really can't understand why you think your quilt is an ugly duckling. I think it is lovely! I especially love the blues, and the reds scattered around really stand out! Your friend will be touched by the quilt you are making her.
I don't think it's an ugly duckling, just a different duckling. I just think the quilt makes you look and think a little longer to see how neat it is, that's all. This time I surfed in from Sew and Tell. Happy Quilting!
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