To distract myself from the more pressing and unpleasant issue above, I thought I'd post a photo of what I'm working on now. This is a quilt that is continuing on from the Square in a Square workshop I attended at the end of September. We made a couple of blocks in the workshop, and I liked them enough to complete the quilt.

It's a bit more traditional than the other quilts I've made this year. I do like the traditional blocks as well as the modern quilts. Although, generally, I don't like so much the fabric prints that go along with those traditional blocks; I seem to have made an exception in this case. I like the batik used for the block centres and the flying geese; the colour in that is mainly blue, red and purple, but it is so wild that each individual square looks quite different from its neighbour. I think the batik will keep the quilt from feeling too Little House on the Prairie. Fingers crossed!
I'm a bit stalled on it at the moment, though. Even though I thought I massively overbought, due to the poor description of what was required on the materials list from hell, it turns out that I need more background fabric. Benefits to Square in a Square method for flying geese: the method of constructing the square they are embedded in allows perfect squaring, even though the geese themselves can be untrue. Drawbacks: a fair amount of fabric wastage (this is true for the S-in-a-S method generally, I find), bloody tedium!
I was reading on someone's blog the other day about how each stage of a quilt is different and reminds them of raising children. The fabric is lovable and cuddly and can do no wrong, just like babies, and every stage from there brings its own challenges and joys, just like toddlers and teenagers. (I've forgotten whose blog this was, my apologies, so if it's yours, drop me a comment and I'll make the appropriate link.) I couldn't agree more. I spend a fair amount of time thinking about what kind of quilt I'm going to make, and I have big plans and high hopes before I can commit to using the cutter on my fabric. Almost immediately afterwards, I start to have buyer's remorse, and I look cross-eyed at the blocks as they come together, second-guessing myself like crazy. As more blocks come together, I start to thaw, and once the top is assembled and I start quilting, I'm in love again. What about you - do you love your projects the same way at every stage?
my god, no i don't love them all the same at every stage. i tend to HATE them while they're in progress. then, when i finish the top, i'm not always satisfied and have to stare at it for a couple days before i like it again. then, i'm nervous during quilting because i'm afraid of wrecking it (since i like it now). when i'm done i love it and want it to stay around all the time.
basically it's all kinds of a stressful process.
I couldn't agree more with the sentiment on kids and quilts. Putting my quilts on a blog challenged my confidence in my work. Its a comfort to know others go thru the same process. My quilting instructor shares the 24 Hour Rule: if you make a mistake, set it aside for 24 hours. If the next day you can even FIND your mistake - then think about ripping. I find 24 hours respite from any problem usually provides better clarity.
I feel the same way about them at every stage. In fact, that's probably part of the reason I always have so many WIPs. Sometimes they need to be put away and brought back out for a new perspective and appreciation.
oops, my husband was talking to me while i was typing. I DON'T feel the same way about them at every stage.
What wonderful blocks !
I will bookmark your blog to see the finish quilt !
And I love the colors, too !
I don't have your patience to piece those flying geese, but I would love to be able to make such a quilt ! Gorgeous !
I like where you're going with your new quilt. My sister attended a free workshop at a quilt show where this technique was demonstrated and she later bought the tool-thingy from the teacher's booth. I might need to borrow it from her one of these days.
This is a very striking pattern .... love the colours!
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